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Weather Up

Weather Up

Bar de Coquetéis$$$$
  • Estrelas
    Os experts de Serious Eats e Austin Chronicle recomendam este local
    • Serious Eats
    • Austin Chronicle
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  • @livehappy8 F.
    @livehappy8 ForbesNovembro 14, 2013
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
  • minnie
    minnieJunho 17, 2012
    Contrary to what you presume, they close at midnight
  • Leigh B.
    Leigh BrowneMaio 26, 2012
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    Trust your bartenders. They wont steer you wrong.
  • loremqqq i.
    loremqqq iqqqMarço 2, 2013
    Get the Rattlesnake. 
  • minnie
    minnieJunho 19, 2012
    Prices for cocktails aren't listed, but most of them are $10.
  • Roman S.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Roman SandersMarço 14, 2013
    Esteve aqui mais de 50 vezes!
    Sxsw billy Reid party rocked!
  • Corey W.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Corey WardDezembro 29, 2014
    The bathrooms are usually either out of order or in pretty bad shape, unfortunately.
  • Justin O.
    Justin OngJulho 22, 2012
    The Gloomlifter... It's like getting drunk on ice cream.
  • RevFranke F.
    RevFranke FSetembro 16, 2013
    Tiki Time!!!!
  • Derek B.
    Derek BacaJunho 22, 2013
    Worst service I've experienced on the east side. Waitress was rude and short. And don't try to move tables together outside; they will scold you promptly.
  • meag d.
    meag dawsonOutubro 14, 2015
    it smells like sewers in back tbh
  • SkipAroundTownícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    SkipAroundTownJulho 29, 2012
    Don't care for the place. I give it 6 months. Decor is nothing great :(
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