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Theodore Roosevelt Island

Monumento, Ilha e Parque Nacional
Northwest Washington, Washington
Ícone de Dicas e Avaliações28 Dicas e avaliações
  • ilhas
  • quieto
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  • Real Living | At Home
    Real Living | At HomeJunho 20, 2013
    And for those who like to stay downtown, you have TRI. A “real forest” it has miles of trails through woods and marshes. It;s a great tribute to the legacy of a great outdoorsman, Teddy R.
    Voto a favor7Votos contra
  • Michelin Travel & Lifestyle
    You'll see a variety of wildlife, especially birds, on a peaceful walk through the woodlands and marshes here. Added bonus if you've brought your fishing pole, you can fish here, too! -- Green Guide
    Voto a favor9Votos contra
  • Gillian R.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Gillian RussellNovembro 5, 2016
    parkrun Roosevelt Island happens here every Saturday at 9AM. Free, timed 5K run. Rain or shine! Sign up to get your free id token at parkrun/usa. Join the biggest free running movement in the world!
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    Voto a favor 2 semanas atrás
  • Chickie M.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Chickie M.Abril 18, 2016
    No bikes allowed but it's a nice short hike around the island with great views of Georgetown. I also saw a snake.
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  • DC Preservation League
    In honor of his love of nature, this 88-acres island was presented to the nation by the Roosevelt Memorial Association in 1931. The memorial was built in 1960 by Eric Grugler and Paul Manship
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  • Stacy B.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Stacy Bo BacyOutubro 3, 2021
    Located in the middle of the Potomac River, between Virginia and the District. Lots of easy hikes.
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  • Maggie M.
    Maggie MacGJulho 4, 2021
    This is a good short loop for hikers of all skill levels (1.5 miles) and shaded so good even for summer hikes.
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  • Alan B.
    Alan BruceJunho 19, 2012
    This place is beautiful your in the middle of the city but you are in the woods! Excellent for a run but your not allowed to bike on the island.
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  • Rich P.
    Rich PesceAbril 26, 2015
    Hidden gem. Great spot for a few running laps or even just a walk. Great statue of Teddy!
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  • Ian B.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Ian Bryant-SmithJunho 21, 2015
    A lovely bit of legitimate nature, not too a long walk from the Rosslyn Metro station.
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  • C-SPAN
    C-SPANOutubro 18, 2011
    This 17 foot bronze statue of Theodore Roosevelt was done by sculptor Paul Manship. Learn more about the memorial and the island in this C-SPAN American History TV video. Leia mais
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  • Andres F.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Andres FalconerJaneiro 13, 2016
    Fantastic natural heritage site in the heart of DC. Great for walks, running.
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  • EJ H.
    EJ HassenfratzJulho 26, 2011
    Esteve aqui mais de 10 vezes!
    My favorite place for a jog. Has it's own family of deer that live on the island, most of the time you can see them grazing
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  • Elizabeth W.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Elizabeth WongAgosto 19, 2017
    It's a nice place to walk around and bring your dogs
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  • Chas L.
    Chas LumJunho 1, 2010
    Esteve aqui mais de 10 vezes!
    If you are in the DC/N.VA area, you like the outdoors and haven't been before, you are missing out! Don't forget to see the memorial on the inside of the island!
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  • Laura C.
    Laura CovingtonMaio 22, 2012
    amazing secret island, complete with marsh and memorial. great trail for a run - no bikes allowed!
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  • - B.
    - BossiAbril 4, 2012
    Peace, tranquility, beauty, and every other minute 100 decibels of raw aviation fury.
    Voto a favor5Votos contra
  • Elena K.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Elena KucherenkoMaio 11, 2015
    Хорошее место для неспешных прогулок.
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  • K A.
    K AJunho 24, 2020
    What a gem!
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  • Geoff S.
    Geoff SnowmanAgosto 12, 2011
    The fountains are currently being refurbished. The sign says this will be completed June 2011, but it's August 2011 and there's no water yet. :)
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  • Katherine
    KatherineMarço 10, 2012
    Don't come here after it gets dark since the island (and the memorial) is not lit. The island closes at 10:00pm, but no point coming here at night.
    Voto a favor1Votos contra
  • KMango
    KMangoMaio 21, 2010
    A lot of people visit the island, but few know about the bridge over the marsh. Over a half mile in length, check it out!
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  • Leslie C.
    Leslie CarboneMaio 21, 2013
    Great place to take a picnic!
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  • Beth L.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Beth LNovembro 13, 2016
    The lone portapotty was in DEPLORABLE shape and badly needed service. Inadequate to handle the traffic .
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  • Ree-An A.
    Ree-An ASetembro 3, 2011
    I dearly hope that this construction and improvement job includes proper signage!
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  • Felicia F.
    Felicia FettFevereiro 2, 2012
    Go over the bridge and "get lost", treasures abound.
    Voto a favor2Votos contra
  • Christen
    ChristenNovembro 2, 2010
    great place for a hike and quiet time
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • Ferchichi A.
    Ferchichi AhmedAgosto 21, 2011
    Nice place but not when it is warm
    Voto a favorVotos contra
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