• Foto tirada no(a) The King's College por House of Bonhoeffer em 3/21/2012
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The King's College

Prédio Acadêmico
Koreatown, Nova Iorque
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  • House of Bonhoeffer
    House of BonhoefferMaio 1, 2012
    Esteve aqui mais de 50 vezes!
    The King's College is moving! Over the course of the 2012 summer months, we'll be packing up and heading to our own dedicated space at 50-52 Broadway in the financial district!
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  • House of Bonhoeffer
    House of BonhoefferDezembro 5, 2011
    Esteve aqui mais de 50 vezes!
    The House of Bonhoeffer banner is always hanging somewhere in the corridor between the Stetson Center and the Library. The closer to the Stetson Center it is, the higher we are ranked!
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  • House of Bonhoeffer
    House of BonhoefferDezembro 5, 2011
    Esteve aqui mais de 50 vezes!
    When you're at The King's College, make sure to stop by the Lower Lobby campus and check out the group photo of the House of Bonhoeffer next to the Stetson Center TV!
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  • House of Bonhoeffer
    House of BonhoefferFevereiro 2, 2012
    Esteve aqui mais de 50 vezes!
    Swing by the Admissions Office right where the elevator doors open on the Lower Lobby and you will find at least of a couple men of Bonhoeffer working to recruit future Kingsians!
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