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Molino Rojo

Restaurante Latino-Americano$$$$
Concourse Village, Bronx
  • Estrelas
    Os experts de Serious Eats e Gothamist recomendam este local
    • Serious Eats
    • Gothamist
  • Dicas
    Graylyn R.
    "Try the chicken or pork (frango) Mofongo."(2 dicas)
    Urban Oyster
    "Way cheaper than stadium (estádio) food!"(4 dicas)
Ícone de Dicas e Avaliações21 Dicas e avaliações
  • autêntico
  • animais
  • arroz
  • frango
  • café
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  • Recente
  • Gothamist
    GothamistAgosto 1, 2014
    This Latin American hybrid spot sits right near Yankee Stadium - a solid destination whether you're hungry post-game or just took the train up to toss bottles in memory of A-Rod's testosterone levels. Leia mais
    Voto a favor2Votos contra
  • Graylyn R.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Graylyn RooseAgosto 7, 2016
    Lots of food for your money! Try the chicken or pork Mofongo. Perfect place to grab food after a Yankees game.
    Voto a favor1Votos contra
  • Urban Oyster
    Urban OysterAgosto 7, 2011
    Just a few steps from Yankee Stadium, this is a great place for a pre-game meal or to stop in and pick up alcapurias and empanadas to eat on the go. Way cheaper than stadium food!
    Voto a favor3Votos contra
  • Vivek B.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Vivek BhagwatMarço 15, 2015
    When it's really cold and you can't stand watching the game outdoors anymore, watch it on TV and have some great Dominican food while you're at it
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • Serious Eats
    Serious EatsAbril 24, 2013
    A decent Dominican diner near Yankee Stadium with moist pernil and excellent fried plantains.
    Voto a favor5Votos contra
  • Gabriel R.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Gabriel ReynosoJaneiro 6, 2014
    Stop by for a quick café con leche... Always good. Always made fresh per cup. Nice!
    Voto a favor9Votos contra
  • Serious Eats
    Serious EatsAbril 9, 2014
    Decent Dominican diner with moist pernil and nice fried plantains.
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • David G.
    David GonzálezAbril 19, 2013
    Best chuletas fritas en el Bronx. Best pork chops in the Bronx.
    Voto a favor2Votos contra
  • Mikey B.
    Mikey BonifacioSetembro 25, 2013
    Daily specials $7 great spot to catch Dominican food before/after the game.
    Voto a favor1Votos contra
  • Eric V.
    Eric VeerapenFevereiro 4, 2014
    The steak and green plantains are tasty with some garlic
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • Adie
    AdieJunho 21, 2013
    Get the roasted chicken w one side for about $7
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • Jaen G.
    Jaen GarciaMaio 8, 2017
    Been closed by health department to many times
    Voto a favor1Votos contra
  • Frank V.
    Frank Velez JrJaneiro 6, 2013
    White rice with black beans and pernil were good as sin.
    Voto a favor1Votos contra
  • Chen H.
    Chen HanJunMaio 14, 2012
    i love their cabrito guisado! and a waitress called jennifer
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • Jonathan B.
    Jonathan BirenbaumMaio 14, 2013
    Can't go wrong here!
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • Adie
    AdieJunho 20, 2013
    Really good food !
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • Jonathan L.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Jonathan L.Setembro 12, 2015
    Some of the worst alcapurria and pastelillos de res I have ever eaten.
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • Julio R.
    Julio RosaAbril 18, 2019
    Not what it used to be. There’s less food. No more typical cuchifritos. Standard fare. Skip it.
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • Miss M.
    Miss MekaSetembro 10, 2011
    Satisfies my cuchifrito cravings 24 hours a day... Leia mais
    Voto a favor1Votos contra
  • Daysi D.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Daysi Discua RomeroOutubro 20, 2013
    Not a good restaurant, used spoiled avocados in the Guacatones
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • Sherri O.
    Sherri O.Fevereiro 28, 2012
    Esteve aqui mais de 25 vezes!
    New hours. Not so late anymore... :(
    Voto a favorVotos contra
Fotos28 Fotos

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