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- TedJaneiro 19, 2015Nice private little gym w/AWESOME staff! Everything you need to get a great workout while traveling in Prague!Voto a favor2Votos contra
- great place to chill, everything you need to refresh. gym, lectures of my favorite yoga, whirpool, sauna, drinks and nice people. my favorite place to go in prague anytimeVoto a favorVotos contra
- Tibor SlamovitsJulho 3, 2018Gym totally renovated, so no more questions this is The Best Gym what is have ever see at any Hotel.Voto a favor1Votos contra
- Denis RožecFevereiro 3, 2015Very nice facilities !! Excelent staff ! Best way to relax in Prague!Voto a favorVotos contra
- Steven Van RysselMaio 30, 2013Difficult to swim with the strange shape of the poolVoto a favorVotos contra
- Bazén, aneb "tempa s příchutí soli" :))(Voda v bazénu je speciálně čištěna solí)Voto a favorVotos contra
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