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Fitzroy Tavern

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  • Fergs
    FergsJunho 12, 2014
    Esteve aqui mais de 10 vezes!
    Well groomed businessmen who abandoned university dreams of writing that great novel stand at the bar and sit in the corners spouting meaningless critiques while longing for a second chance at life.
    Voto a favor5Votos contra
  • Spielmann
    SpielmannSetembro 29, 2012
    Great pints and a piece of London's literary history. Friendly staff, great prices and the cozy Writer's Bar downstairs. A great place away from the crowds - gets really lively after 6 pm.
    Voto a favor4Votos contra
  • Esther
    EstherJunho 7, 2014
    Great local pub nice cider on tap. Nice quiet place for a date. 😊 had the curry was lovely tasty & value for money perfect portion. Only thing would be a bit of interaction with the bar staff/waiters
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • Robert R.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Robert RamDezembro 19, 2021
    A great selection of beers that you don't see in most pubs. The fruit beers are very pleasant if you want something a bit different. The Imperial stout is also good.
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • meganícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    meganOutubro 8, 2016
    Recently reopened after 15 month renovation -- the pub is simply gorgeous.
    Voto a favor1Votos contra
  • Waterstones
    WaterstonesMaio 10, 2013
    From the 1920s to the 1950s the Fitzroy Tavern was a meeting place for many London's artists, intellectuals and bohemians such as Dylan Thomas, George Orwell, Virgina Woolf and George Bernard Shaw.
    Voto a favor2Votos contra
  • Martin T.
    Martin TiedemannJulho 17, 2012
    22 February: Between the 1920s and 1950s, the pub was a centre of literary and artistic London, and a favourite drinking haunt of the likes of Dylan Thomas, Augustus John and George Orwell.
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • Louis Vuitton
    Louis VuittonAbril 5, 2012
    The home pub for many of London's intellectuals including Dylan Thomas and George Orwell. Take in a comedy act once weekly in the downstairs "writer's bar". Kristin Knox, The Clothes Whisperer
    Voto a favor2Votos contra
  • Fergs
    FergsMaio 16, 2013
    Esteve aqui mais de 10 vezes!
    Long haired young people drunk on their fantasy of intellectualism sit in corners writing into their moleskin, supping their ale and contemplating life in modern Britain.
    Voto a favor2Votos contra
  • Sam M.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Sam MMarço 24, 2015
    Nice little Sam Smiths with a lot of history. Good atmosphere, quite buzzy and yet laid-back.
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • Michael U.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Michael UnderhillJulho 4, 2017
    Classic Sam Smiths. Cheap beer, nice interior, bit of room outside for drinking in the sun
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • Cyndie D.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Cyndie Da RochaFevereiro 19, 2022
    Outstanding pub with a background story and multiple rooms to discover
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • Delfin English Schools
    Another classic Definers' hangout. Catch us here on a Friday evening and exchange your Delfin Dollars for a pint!
    Voto a favor3Votos contra
  • Manoel A.
    Manoel AbreuNovembro 7, 2013
    Try the organic chocolate stout! A piece of heaven on earth! :)
    Voto a favor1Votos contra
  • Jonny W.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Jonny WrightOutubro 8, 2013
    The least attentive, least friendly, least polite staff I've met in a Sam Smiths. Generally such a nice chain, avoid
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • Dan C.
    Dan CalladineAbril 9, 2010
    It's a Sam Smiths pub, so cheap. For example 2 pints of bitter and a pint of lager is about £6.30. Make sure you check out the downstairs 'writers and artists bar' too.
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • Julie K.
    Julie KingJulho 5, 2014
    Fabulous atmosphere in here watching the football tonight
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • Laura W.
    Laura WalkerAgosto 25, 2011
    Hmmm, Alpine beer! So cheap! Good comedy nights downstairs too.
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • Priya T.
    Priya TungrusSetembro 2, 2017
    Not a fan of Sammy Smith pubs. Has some outdoor seating
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • Dave N.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Dave NattrissJunho 18, 2021
    Cheap drinks
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • Polly W.
    Polly WedderburnFevereiro 22, 2011
    Gets packed weekdays from 6.30ish - quite old-man ish but fun atmosphere
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • Chris R.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Not bad, super busy, white wine to be avoided
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • Michael K.
    Michael KogonJunho 2, 2013
    Oatmeal stout is a good move
    Voto a favor2Votos contra
  • Anthony Z.
    Anthony ZacharzewskiSetembro 21, 2014
    No kids allowed inside.
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • Sarah
    SarahDezembro 22, 2010
    try the comedy night on Wednesday!
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • Mark J.
    Mark J.Janeiro 23, 2018
    Food is overpriced and tiny portions. But the beer is good.
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • Brasserie Blanc C.
    Our staff's after work den!
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • Londonist
    LondonistMarço 23, 2011
    Head straight down stairs to avoid crowds.
    Voto a favor2Votos contra
  • Steven C.
    Steven CraigFevereiro 20, 2010
    Get the wheat beer, mmmm tasty beer!
    Voto a favor1Votos contra
  • Chris H.
    Chris HinkleyFevereiro 25, 2011
    Try the rape cola
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • Zuz
    ZuzJulho 8, 2018
    Rude staff!!
    Voto a favorVotos contra
Fotos108 Fotos

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