This place looks like a movie studio with dozens of decors. The only difference: Here is real living neighborhood where you want to have your drink while sitting nearby relaxing river...
Former Vilnius mayor lives now in Užupis and gossip has it that works as Uber driver. Artūras Zuokas also known for running the tank over the car parked on the bike lane, to get elected as the mayor
Арт-страна в стране. Место-концентрация самых милейших деталей. Кругом сплошные художественные развалены облагороженные каким нибудь декором. Очень колоритно!
In 1997 the bohemian Užupis neighborhood in the center of Vilnius (separated from the Vilnius Old Town by the river Neris) declared itself a republic and is now “governed” by artists and romantics.
Respublika turi savo vėliavą, valiutą, prezidentą, konstituciją bei armiją (apie 10 žmonių).
Republic has its own flag, currency, president, constitution, and an army(around 10 people).
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