Ulf Landeberg

Ulf Landeberg


Prague, 52
  • 2 Dicas
  • 0 Seguidores
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  • 2 Listas
Listas de Ulf em Todas as cidades
  • The Hague
  • Prague
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As principais cidades de Ulf
The Hague
1 Dica
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Ulf Landeberg
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Ulf Landeberg
2 locais atualizados
2 lugares incluindo Restaurant Glaswerk, Lindner Hotel Prague Castle
    "The creativity of the kitchen chef is one of the best experience I ever had. Thank you for great meal and a gourmand highlight. I will for sure be back."
    Ulf LandebergUlf Landeberg · Fevereiro 8, 2019
    Lanchonete Americana
    · A Haia, Holanda
    "The waiters are ignorant and do not care what the guests needs are about. Drinking beer behind the bar counter instead to look after their guests. If you complain about them they do not care"
    Ulf LandebergUlf Landeberg · Dezembro 15, 2018
    · Praga, República Checa