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11 locais atualizados
11 lugares incluindo Selu Garden Café, Mountainside Theater, Moab Brewery, Granny's Kitchen
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"Buffet is awesome. Lots to choose from. Menu is great too. Never had a bad meal here. Always good."
· Cherokee, Estados Unidos
7.2 "Awesome Performance !!! This is a Outdoor Theater with Stadium seating. Refreshments and good food available. Only open from June to August. Don’t miss this if you are going to CHEROKEE"
· Cherokee, Estados Unidos
8.5 "Just average. Tacos are ok but better at Taco Bell. Enchiladas are better."
· Cherokee, Estados Unidos
6.3 "Onion Rings are AWESOME!!! In House Beer is Fantastic!!!"
· Moab, Estados Unidos
7.3 "Best Buffet for the money, and the wait staff are very friendly and polite. Food is Awesome!"
· Cherokee, Estados Unidos
"Closed! Moved Out! Gone!"
· Cherokee, Estados Unidos