Favorite Lunch Spots

1. Salumeria

51 N 12th St (at Reading Terminal Market), Filadélfia, PA
Lanchonete · Chinatown · 12 dicas e avaliações

Todd C.Todd Carpenter: Best Italian Hoagie. Ask for it with their house dressing.

Tommy DiNic's is one of Favorite Lunch Spots.

2. Tommy DiNic's

51 N 12th St (at Reading Terminal Market), Filadélfia, PA
Sanduicheria · Chinatown · 194 dicas e avaliações

Todd C.Todd Carpenter: Get the Brisket

Vic Sushi Bar is one of Favorite Lunch Spots.

3. Vic Sushi Bar

2035 Sansom St, Filadélfia, PA
Casa de Sushi · Center City West · 61 dicas e avaliações

Todd C.Todd Carpenter: Love this place

Pho Xe Lua is one of Favorite Lunch Spots.

4. Pho Xe Lua

907 Race St (btwn N Hutchinson St & N 9th St), Filadélfia, PA
Restaurante Vietnamita · Chinatown · 44 dicas e avaliações

Todd C.Todd Carpenter: I'm between this place and Vietnam House (next to it) for best Pho in Chinatown

Terakawa Ramen is one of Favorite Lunch Spots.

5. Terakawa Ramen

204 N 9th St (btwn Race & Spring St), Filadélfia, PA
Restaurante de Ramen · Chinatown · 101 dicas e avaliações

Todd C.Todd Carpenter: Get a side bowl of Karaage Chicken with any order for $2. It's the best! I usually get the Tan Tan Ramen

Sang Kee Peking Duck House is one of Favorite Lunch Spots.

6. Sang Kee Peking Duck House

238 N 9th St, Filadélfia, PA
Restaurante Chinês · Chinatown · 100 dicas e avaliações

Todd C.Todd Carpenter: The duck is very good, but I recommend the roast pork/shrimp dumpling combo over a bowl of noodles. I'm not sure if that is listed in the menu, but they'll make any combination you ask for.

Indeblue is one of Favorite Lunch Spots.

7. Indeblue

205 S 13th St (Walnut), Filadélfia, PA
Restaurante Indiano · Washington Square West · 46 dicas e avaliações
Maoz Vegetarian is one of Favorite Lunch Spots.

8. Maoz Vegetarian

1115 Walnut St (btw 11th and 12th street), Filadélfia, PA
Restaurante Vegano e Vegetariano · Center City East · 25 dicas e avaliações

Todd C.Todd Carpenter: Best falafel around

Pergola is one of Favorite Lunch Spots.

9. Pergola

200 S Broad St, Filadélfia, PA
Restaurante Neo-Americano · Avenue of the Arts South · 54 dicas e avaliações

Todd C.Todd Carpenter: Great lunch buffet

Jones is one of Favorite Lunch Spots.

10. Jones

700 Chestnut St (at S 7th St), Filadélfia, PA
Restaurante de Comida Típica do Sul dos EUA · Center City East · 150 dicas e avaliações

Todd C.Todd Carpenter: Can't help but get the breakfast burrito whenever I visit for lunch

Rosa Blanca is one of Favorite Lunch Spots.

11. Rosa Blanca

707 Chestnut St (at 7th St), Filadélfia, PA
Restaurante Cubano · Center City East · 28 dicas e avaliações

Todd C.Todd Carpenter: The El Bistec panini is the most amazing thing I have ever put in my mouth. And I've put A LOT in my mouth.