Музей понравился, интересный, почти весь интерактивный, за исключением первого этажа, поэтому знание английского обязательно, в ином случае интерактивная часть будет для вас бесполезна.
The Science Museum includes exhibitions covering all aspects of science and technology and is great fun for the kids, especially with special exhibitions out of School hours.
As you arrive (or before), check the schedule for the IMAX Theatre in the back of the ground floor of the museum, so you do not miss that movie you would love to see.
It's very big, so it gets a little overwhelming. I was surprised that it wasn't more child-friendly. We went to their big cinema and it was really good. We went to their 4D cinema - it wasn't good.
La mostra dei Robot è davvero stupenda. Prenotando online si può avere un piccolo sconto ed una bevanda omaggio, inoltre si può visitare la sera quando non ci sono altre persone.
Amazing! Their display of aircrafts and engines are breathtaking. Also communications, maths and computing. Avoid it on early weekdays, annoying shouting and running school kids everywhere
If you are keen on sone real science, better go through all the old exhibition first, in the main hall and upwards. Still, there are some 'new format' exhibitions, quite childish, they are separated.
A beautiful museum dedicated to science, it is like a sanctuary for me. Go and discover! Until June 2013, Web Lab Experiments will continue by Google. Don't escape this one!
This world-famous museum has more than 300,000 items. Make sure to see the first jet engine, reconstruction model of the DNA, and Stephenson's Rocket. Free, except for some temporary exhibitions.
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