Katelyn Michals

Katelyn Michals


Milwaukee, WI
  • 3 Dicas
  • 41 Seguidores
  • 28 Seguindo
  • 4 Listas
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  • Milwaukee
  • Hartford
  • Greenfield
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As principais cidades de Katelyn
1 Lista criada · 1 Dica
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Katelyn Michals
0 locais atualizados Agosto 29, 2013
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Katelyn Michals
1 locais atualizados Novembro 4, 2011
1 lugar incluindo Cafe Corazon
Katelyn Michals
0 locais atualizados
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Katelyn Michals
1 locais atualizados
1 lugar incluindo Roots Acupuncture Center
    "Kim is awesome!! She keeps my electronic life running smoothly, and teaches me as she goes along - so very helpful and affordable!"
    Katelyn MichalsKatelyn Michals · Agosto 30, 2012
    Startup de Tecnologia
    · Hartford, Estados Unidos
    "Heartiest breakfast burritos ever! Chunks of avocado, brocolli, and carrots. A masterpiece, for sure!"
    Katelyn MichalsKatelyn Michals · Novembro 5, 2011
    · Milwaukee, Estados Unidos
    "Katie, the new acupuncturist, is gentle and amazing! She's offering a FREE consult to all Tree of Life patients through the New Year!"
    Katelyn MichalsKatelyn Michals · Novembro 4, 2011
    Consultório Médico
    · Greenfield, Estados Unidos