Nir vanna

Nir vanna

All Nirvanna Designs are hand knit by Nepalese women, allowing them to earn a living working from their homes while taking care of their families.

Brooklyn, NY
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    "Hand knit by a group of Nepalese women, allowing them to earn a living working from their homes while taking care of their families! Check out what these talented ladies knit up for the little ones!"
    Nir vannaNir vanna · Novembro 9, 2013
    Loja de Presentes
    · Queens, Estados Unidos
    "Try on the classic Sherlock Holmes hats: they're classic, cool, and cover the ears better than ever! Great for a sharp fellow wending his way between office and tavern."
    Nir vannaNir vanna · Novembro 9, 2013
    Loja de Presentes
    · Queens, Estados Unidos
    ""...All Nirvanna Designs are hand knit by Nepalese women, allowing them to earn a living working from their homes while taking care of their families." - Free People"
    Nir vannaNir vanna · Novembro 9, 2013
    Loja de Presentes
    · Queens, Estados Unidos
    "Our beautiful handmade winter hats, gloves, mittens, scarves, and hoods are crafted from wool and super-soft fleece, and help support a charming group of Artisans and Mothers in Nepal."
    Nir vannaNir vanna · Novembro 9, 2013
    Loja de Presentes
    · Queens, Estados Unidos