


Love you all peeps :))

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • 28 Dicas
  • 842 Seguidores
  • 1.020 Seguindo
  • 13 Listas
Listas de ~bard~ em Todas as cidades
  • Yong Peng
  • Kuala Lumpur
  • Johor Bahru
  • Petaling Jaya
  • Todas as cidades
As principais cidades de ~bard~
Yong Peng
1 Lista criada
Kuala Lumpur
1 Lista criada · 2 Dicas
Johor Bahru
1 Dica
Petaling Jaya
1 Lista criada
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7 locais atualizados Junho 22, 2015
7 lugares incluindo Kari Kambing 40 Hari, Starbucks, Restoran Tajudin Nasi Beriani, Avillion Resort Port Dickson
60 locais atualizados
60 lugares incluindo Kampung Kuantan Kelip-kelip, Nasi Ayam Kampung Publika, Menara UOA Bangsar, Caaba
18 locais atualizados
18 lugares incluindo Warong Saga, Solaris Mont'Kiara (SohoKL), 123 Corner, Amstardam Bar & Stone Hill Resort
    Dicas recentes de ~bard~
    "Tahu goreng dia awsome sedap sgt2 kene try beb..meehoon hailam superb!! Lontong kering pun ade 😋😋😋"
    ~bard~~bard~ · Junho 18, 2015
    · Johor Bahru, Malásia
    "Let's people talk as they act like they knew everything.. *silent is the best policy*"
    ~bard~~bard~ · Novembro 29, 2013
    · Batu Caves, Malásia
    "A pretty face is nothing if you have an ugly heart :))"
    ~bard~~bard~ · Outubro 9, 2013
    Apartamento ou Condomínio
    · Batu Caves, Malásia
    "It's crazy right, to love someone who hurts you? You know what's crazier? Thinking that someone who hurts you loves you.. :)"
    ~bard~~bard~ · Setembro 5, 2013
    Apartamento ou Condomínio
    · Batu Caves, Malásia
    "The scariest thing about distance is you don't know whether they'll miss you or forget about you.."
    ~bard~~bard~ · Setembro 3, 2013
    Apartamento ou Condomínio
    · Batu Caves, Malásia
    "If "Plan A” didn't work. The alphabet has 25 more letters. Stay Cool.. :))"
    ~bard~~bard~ · Setembro 2, 2013
    Shopping Center
    · Kuala Lumpur, Malásia