4 locais atualizados Outubro 15, 2011
4 lugares incluindo University of Missouri, Greek Town, Mizzou Homecoming Parade, Romp, Chomp & Stomp Tailgate
12 locais atualizados Setembro 15, 2011
1. Visit any of the venues listed and look for a Mizzou Audio Tour sign next to the selected attraction.
2. Dial 573-629-1364.
3. Enter the prompt number for the location you want followed by the #.
12 locais atualizados Setembro 15, 2011
Let's see what you're made of! Can you visit all the sporting venues at Mizzou? Get started, Rookie!
7 locais atualizados Agosto 21, 2013
Mizzou visits some Columbia classics — check out some of the most down-to-earth shops, iconic restaurants, and places you just 'gotta visit. Tips are provided by local patrons.
48 locais atualizados Outubro 23, 2012
So who was this 'Jesse' guy, anyway? What happened to the MU bowling alley? What is the oldest building on campus? Learn more on the history of Mizzou and what sat beneath where you're standing now.
2 locais atualizados
2 lugares incluindo Cornell Hall, AV14 [Trowbridge] Parking Lot