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Orlando International Airport (MCO)

Aeroporto Internacional de Orlando (MCO)

(Orlando International Airport)
Aeroporto Internacional
Orlando International Airport, Orlando
  • Dicas
    Rodrigo S.
    "Alem de possuir wifi gratuito que ajuda muito os turistas."(66 dicas)
    Fernanda G.
    "Tem um monotrilho que te leva para a área de embarque e/ou saída."(11 dicas)
    Thaís Gascón
    "Coma no Nathan's, o melhor hot-dog do mundo!"(6 dicas)
    Wilson J.
    "... organizado, todo sinalizado, com pessoas preparadas pra te atender,..."(5 dicas)
Ícone de Dicas e Avaliações2.464 Dicas e avaliações
  • wifi gratuito
  • aeroporto
  • praça de alimentação
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  • Michelle L.
    Michelle L.Outubro 25, 2010
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    if you're not travelling with small children and can be organized with your liquids, etc, use the expert traveller security line. it's speedy!
  • Edd S.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Edd SantosOutubro 12, 2016
    Well organize airport experience.
  • Teresa R.
    Teresa RiosAgosto 11, 2013
    Always ask people is willing to help. At least the united airline lady was :-)
  • Bereniceícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    BereniceMarço 27, 2015
    👍muchas tiendas!! Jajajaja entretenido para tiempo de espera
  • Carolina S.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Carolina SirettJaneiro 18, 2013
    They is a lush store and a hello kiddie that are great
  • Melissa B.
    Melissa BDezembro 10, 2013
    PROTIP: the free Wi-Fi network at Orlando int'l airport is called "internet".
  • Austin M.
    Austin MerrittNovembro 18, 2011
    Get coffee at au bon pain...French roast is great and free refills!
  • Gonzo C.
    Gonzo CarNovembro 12, 2017
    She has the hottest COFFEE!!!OH YEAH
  • Lu B.
    Lu B.Novembro 16, 2018
    Esteve aqui mais de 10 vezes!
    Plan an extra hour for the Rx line.. is always huge!!
  • Doug C.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Doug CouchFevereiro 14, 2018
    Esteve aqui mais de 10 vezes!
    If you see Mickey Mouse, while running late for your flight, punch him in the nuts. I mean, why not?
  • Dave P.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Dave PageJaneiro 10, 2017
    Book this if you want some comfort
  • Tim M.
    Tim MorrowMarço 10, 2010
    Esteve aqui mais de 25 vezes!
    Beware the "touron". You can spot them by ther mouse ears, overflowing luggage and theme park bounty, exhausted kids and the smell of churos!
  • Andrea C.
    Andrea CannistraciAbril 17, 2013
    Get here early! All the clueless leisure travelers will hold you up! Worst food choices. Ever. Eat before you arrive.
  • matt c.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    matt caronAgosto 28, 2013
    Esteve aqui mais de 25 vezes!
    Make sure to try flying on one of their planes!
  • Mike C.
    Mike CDezembro 8, 2012
    Airport has Pre Check, near the clear lanes on the opposite side of the family lanes.
  • Talkgregate A.
    Talkgregate AppJulho 21, 2013
    Use our Talkgregate mobile app to share travel experiences with people around you
  • Chuck W.
    Chuck WestfallJunho 17, 2013
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    Taxis are scarce here at rush hour, much less organized than Vegas.
  • Tim F.
    Tim FreudemanSetembro 15, 2011
    Take your belt off..take off the earrings and necklaces then you won't have to go through three times
  • Pauline S.
    Pauline SMarço 2, 2011
    If you haven't got loads of luggage there are frequent buses that go to & from International Drive for only 2 bucks. Saves a lot on taxi or shuttle fare.
  • James C.
    James ChimicoFevereiro 22, 2013
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    Make sure you know how to travel! Security is intense, but safe!
  • Cris M.
    Cris M. 🐱Novembro 25, 2023
    Esteve aqui mais de 10 vezes!
    Pizza 🍕
  • Jason C.
    Jason ColletteJulho 11, 2012
    Esteve aqui mais de 100 vezes!
    The new preTSA check line only applies to Delta passengers. Even If you use the service on a regular basis, they will deny you if you are flying another airline
  • Scharad L.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Scharad LightbourneAbril 23, 2017
    Get here early. At least 3 hours for intl flights. TSA takes forever!
  • Jay S.
    Jay StankMarço 29, 2019
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    Make sure you have precheck or clear or expect at least an hour in security line. Food options are better before security.
  • Arthur M.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Arthur MitchellMarço 29, 2021
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    Modern, but extremely busy.
  • Jay T.
    Jay ThompsonNovembro 8, 2012
    If you are here for NAR Annual, hopefully you packed a spare liver.
  • Klaus D.
    Klaus DaidrichFevereiro 8, 2013
    Awesome chocolate chunk muffin at starbucks. Try out before take off!
  • ᴡ L.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    ᴡ LorenzoOutubro 24, 2023
    Esteve aqui mais de 50 vezes!
    Heading back home after a wonderful vacation!
  • Carla J.
    Carla JeanAbril 18, 2012
    Flying Into Orlanda I Will Tell You Is SO DIFFERENT Than Flying Into LAX!! The Coast Is Clear =) I ♥ Flying In Over Either Ocean!!
  • Dani
    DaniFevereiro 25, 2013
    Esteve aqui mais de 10 vezes!
    Did I forget to mention that Orlando Airport is B.Y.O. chewing gum? Not gonna find any of that, curbside or airside. Security lines are insanely long during travel season.
  • Jennifer M.
    Jennifer MsumbaJunho 29, 2014
    Arrive with patience, security yells at you BEFORE you do anything wrong. It is a zoo.
  • Spud H.
    Spud HiltonJaneiro 21, 2011
    Virgin America doesn't have a dedicated counter, so if you're more than 4 hrs. early, you have to use the generic check-in kiosk, then hang on to you luggage until the counter opens.
  • Frans C.
    Frans CoenenFevereiro 25, 2013
    Indeed be on time, security check takes ages, but all over the airport internet is free ;-)
  • Graeme E.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Graeme EvansDezembro 20, 2018
    Be careful at security as they ask you to take your shoes off
  • Denise G.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Quick security, comfy seats. Ssssllllooooowwww wifi
  • Michael M.
    Michael McCarthyOutubro 7, 2010
    if on continental and need a taxi...get ready to walk...all the way down...all the way to the left. too many happy kids here
  • Julio C.
    Julio CondeSetembro 14, 2014
    Si viene sólo agarre el chuttle de mears , como 16 por choya
  • Arturo M.
    Arturo MezaMarço 10, 2013
    Security check lines wating time are similar than Disney park ones!
  • Mike G.
    Mike GattyMarço 7, 2019
    Esteve aqui mais de 50 vezes!
    Two words: GET CLEAR.
  • Junior T.
    Junior TauvaaMarço 22, 2013
    Give yourself enough time to go thru security. Avoid lines with kids and old people. They move slow. Pick a line with business professionals.
  • Danielle E.
    Danielle EdwardsMarço 20, 2012
    Bring your own gum! The Orlando airport doesn't sell gum! You wanna know why??? Cause they dont want it on the carpet!! Really???
  • Rick D.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Rick DoesburgAgosto 25, 2015
    Free WiFi, clean but the TSA is a little messy.
  • Leslie
    LeslieFevereiro 13, 2013
    It's amateur hour at the security checkpoints. Tons of strollers, wheelchairs, and first time travelers. Anticipate at least a 45 minute wait in the security line.
  • Tony C.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Tony CaselnovaAgosto 2, 2014
    Esteve aqui mais de 25 vezes!
    Its my home airport welcome to all that come to this happy place
  • Joelle
    JoelleMaio 14, 2013
    Esteve aqui mais de 10 vezes!
    TSA PreCheck makes all the difference at this airport. Well worth it.
  • Tracie
    TracieJaneiro 17, 2011
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    Use the expert line or the family line in security, if you qualify. These lines are a bit shorter, but security still takes longer than most airports.
  • Derek R S.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Derek R Swartz(FJB)Dezembro 11, 2014
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    My favorite airport in the entire country
  • David S.
    David StrongDezembro 30, 2011
    Sausage egg and cheese at Natures Table Bistro. Excellent. The potatoes....not so much
  • Melissa T.
    Melissa ThamesNovembro 26, 2014
    Leave plenty of time for security. It's always a mad house
  • Lance M.
    Lance M.Julho 26, 2019
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    pay attention. read. enjoy
Fotos18.538 Fotos

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