Marini Ahmad

Marini Ahmad


I can LOVE you more than this...

Kuching, Malaysia
  • 61 Dicas
  • 1.348 Seguidores
  • 1.131 Seguindo
  • 3 Listas
Listas de Marini em Todas as cidades
  • Kuching
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As principais cidades de Marini
43 Dicas
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Marini Ahmad
12 locais atualizados
12 lugares incluindo KTM Bukit Merah Station, Sevgi Bahçesi, Rumah Api Tanjung Tuan, Sevgi Bahçesi
Marini Ahmad
80 locais atualizados
80 lugares incluindo Taman Yen Yen, KFC, SCR Xpress, Klinik Cahaya
    Dicas recentes de Marini
    "Food ok & murah tapi servis terukkk"
    Marini AhmadMarini Ahmad · Maio 15, 2014
    · Kuching, Malásia
    "Always believe that if Allah takes something frm u, he will give u something more precious & special. Be patient & Pray...."
    Marini AhmadMarini Ahmad · Março 10, 2014
    Residência (Particular)
    · Kuching, Malásia
    "There's always a chance, there's always a choice. We just need to be ready when the chance comes & prepare to make the best choice...;)"
    Marini AhmadMarini Ahmad · Dezembro 25, 2013
    · Kuching, Malásia
    "Dlm hidup kita diberi hanya 2 pilihan. Samada ya/tidak, mahu/tidak mahu. Jadi terpulang pada diri sendiri jln mana yg kita pilih:-*"
    Marini AhmadMarini Ahmad · Novembro 10, 2013
    Conjunto Habitacional
    · Kuching, Malásia
    "I never gave you a reason to hate me. You're just creating your own little drama of pure insecurity..:-*"
    Marini AhmadMarini Ahmad · Novembro 4, 2013
    Conjunto Habitacional
    · Kuching, Malásia