Casey Rue

Casey Rue


Austin, TX
  • 3 Dicas
  • 26 Seguidores
  • 37 Seguindo
  • 4 Listas
Listas de Casey em Todas as cidades
  • Wichita Falls
  • Austin
  • Todas as cidades
As principais cidades de Casey
Wichita Falls
1 Dica
2 Dicas
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Casey Rue
6 locais atualizados
6 lugares incluindo South Congress Cafe, Hecho en Mexico, Ramen Tatsu-ya, KUT Public Media Studios
Casey Rue
2 locais atualizados
2 lugares incluindo Trader Joe's, Pace Bend Park
    "Pretty bad service. I sat at the bar and the bartender acted annoyed in general to help me. I was excited to have a Cuban place in the neighborhood but withbad service, average food, I won't be back."
    Casey RueCasey Rue · Dezembro 6, 2015
    · Austin, Estados Unidos
    "They have a great snack collection. Try the cake flavored Oreos. They are to die for. The waitress is very nice but the valet operator will take your motorcycle without permission. I give it 4 stars!"
    Casey RueCasey Rue · Janeiro 12, 2013
    Residência (Particular)
    · Wichita Falls, Estados Unidos
    "Excellent pizza and a friendly staff. Very laid back place with good music playing. It's great to have Mercury back in the neighborhood."
    Casey RueCasey Rue · Agosto 25, 2012
    · Austin, Estados Unidos