Arabian magic
Petra is one of Arabian magic.

1. Petra

Petra Ruins (Al siq), بترا, Ma‘ān
Local Histórico e Tombado · 167 dicas e avaliações

Rein B.Rein Bijlsma: Visit Petra as early in the morning as u can, light is most beautiful then

Amman Citadel is one of Arabian magic.

2. Amman Citadel

(جبل القلعة)
Downtown (King Ali Bn Al Hussain St.), Amã, Amman
Local Histórico e Tombado · 49 dicas e avaliações

Sunny 105.1Sunny 105.1: At night, the view is spectacular. For a total of 360 degrees, all you see is the vast scenery of downtown Amman and distant mountains, which on its own, makes for a great view.

Jarash Archaeological Site is one of Arabian magic.

3. Jarash Archaeological Site

Jarash, محافظة جرش, Jerash
Local Histórico e Tombado · 11 dicas e avaliações

Janana's Gold - Online Treasure HuntsJanana's Gold - Online Treasure Hunts: Feel like Ben Hur & visit the Hippodrome where you can still witness ancient chariot races today.

The Royal Automobile Museum is one of Arabian magic.

4. The Royal Automobile Museum

(متحف السيارات الملكي)
King Hussein Park, Amã, Amman
Museu · 19 dicas e avaliações

Sunny 105.1Sunny 105.1: Each car there tells a story about a phase of the Kingdom's development from desert to modern state.

Old City of Jerusalem is one of Arabian magic.

5. Old City of Jerusalem

(העיר העתיקה)
Jerusalém, ירושלים
Bairro · 67 dicas e avaliações

Jessica V.Jessica Vega: Great place to go shopping. Interesting places to visit inside the city. If you get a chance pray The Way of the Cross.

The Western Wall (Kotel) is one of Arabian magic.

6. The Western Wall (Kotel)

(הכותל המערבי)
Western Wall Plaza, Jerusalém, ירושלים
Local Histórico e Tombado · Jewish Quarter · 120 dicas e avaliações

Nikki V.Nikki V.: Wailing Wall -- also known as the Western Wall. Awesome place for prayers and meditation.

The Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem (Rova Yehudi) is one of Arabian magic.

7. The Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem (Rova Yehudi)

(הרובע היהודי בעיר העתיקה בירושלים)
Jerusalém, ירושלים
Bairro · 15 dicas e avaliações

EL AL USAEL AL USA: The Jerusalem Botanical Gardens are located in a 2,000-year-old burial cave that was found in 1902. Today, it is surrounded by plants from all over the world! An amazing site in any season.

Jaffa Gate is one of Arabian magic.

8. Jaffa Gate

(שער יפו)
Jerusalém, ירושלים
Monumento · 56 dicas e avaliações

GoJerusalemGoJerusalem: Built in 1538 by Suleiman, the Jaffa gate was expanded in 1898 when Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany visited Jerusalem so the German Emperor would not have to dismount his carriage to enter the city.

Damascus Gate is one of Arabian magic.

9. Damascus Gate

(שער שכם)
Old City (Sha'ar Shechem / Bab al Amud), Jerusalém, ירושלים
Monumento · 30 dicas e avaliações

Khaled S.Khaled Shihabi: You should eat Humus at Abu Shukri in the old city or Abu Hasan in Salah Eddin Street. Abu Hasan is better.

10. The Muslim Quarter \ רובע מוסלמי \ حارة المسلمين

Jerusalém, ירושלים
Bairro · 5 dicas e avaliações

ArielaAriela: There is no such thing as the Arab Quarter. Only the Muslim Quarter, Christian Quarter, Jewish Quarter and Armenian Quarter. Get it right!

Tiberias is one of Arabian magic.

11. Tiberias

Cidade · 11 dicas e avaliações
Zion Gate is one of Arabian magic.

12. Zion Gate

(שער ציון‎)
Monumento · 10 dicas e avaliações

IsraelExpertsIsraelExperts: Enter the Old City through the Zion Gate. Visit the Jewish Quarter and be witness to millennia of Jewish history, from the time of biblical kings and prophets to modern celebrations and conflicts. Leia mais.

Masada is one of Arabian magic.

13. Masada

Judaean Desert, ערד, הדרום
Local Histórico e Tombado · 82 dicas e avaliações

NFTY in IsraelNFTY in Israel: Masada is UNESCO World Heritage Site.The fortress was the last stand of the Jewish rebels who rose against the Roman Empire in 66 CE. Check out the intricate water cisterns throughout the site!

King David's Tomb Cave is one of Arabian magic.

14. King David's Tomb Cave

Zion mnt. (הר ציון), Jerusalém, ירושלים
Sinagoga · 13 dicas e avaliações
Capernaum is one of Arabian magic.

15. Capernaum

North of the Sea of Galilee, Capernaum, Israel
Local Histórico e Tombado · 14 dicas e avaliações

Stewart C.Stewart Cutler: Make sure you visit the spaceship church and see the house underneath.

Mount Zion is one of Arabian magic.

16. Mount Zion

(הר ציון)
Montanha · 6 dicas e avaliações

Ledicia S.Ledicia Serruya: Where is David's Tomb, Holocaust Cellar & The Cenacle (Upper Room). Across of the street in the Christian Cemetery you will find Oscar Schindler Grave.

Armenian Quarter is one of Arabian magic.

17. Armenian Quarter

(הרובע הארמני)
Bairro · 6 dicas e avaliações

Misha P.Misha Pak: Don't miss a visit to St. James cathedral. Most beautiful church in old Jerusalem. Open daily for 30 minutes only from 15:00 till 15:30. No photos allowed inside.

Old Jaffa is one of Arabian magic.

18. Old Jaffa

(יפו העתיקה)
Tel Aviv, תל אביב
Bairro · 38 dicas e avaliações
Church of the Holy Sepulchre is one of Arabian magic.

19. Church of the Holy Sepulchre

(כנסיית הקבר)
btwn Suq Khan e-Zeit & Christian Quarter Rd, Jerusalém
Igreja · Christian Quarter · 97 dicas e avaliações

20. The Western Wall Tunnels

Western Wall Plaza, Jerusalém, ירושלים
Túnel · 20 dicas e avaliações

IsraelExpertsIsraelExperts: After dark, take a mystical night tour inside the Kotel Tunnels, built under the Muslim Quarter of the old city. Explore ancient underground remnants of the city and discover an archeological wonder. Leia mais.

21. Jaffa Port

(נמל יפו)
Jaffa Port Road, Tel Aviv, תל אביב
Porto ou marina · Yafo HaAtika · 65 dicas e avaliações

Romina D.Romina Diaz: Sunset in a restaurant in jaffa port priceless!

The Temple Mount is one of Arabian magic.

22. The Temple Mount

(הר הבית)
Temple Mount, Jerusalém, ירושלים
Montanha · 8 dicas e avaliações

Valerio R.Valerio Romanelli: Non muslim tourist Will have problems in visiting everything

Monte das Oliveiras is one of Arabian magic.

23. Monte das Oliveiras

(הר הזיתים)
Mount of Olives, Jerusalém, ירושלים
Montanha · At-Tur · 28 dicas e avaliações

EL AL USAEL AL USA: Did you know that Mount of Olives got its name from the olive trees that once grew on its hillside from ancient times? A great place that our passengers love to visit!

Garden of Gethsemane is one of Arabian magic.

24. Garden of Gethsemane

(גת שמנים)
Jerusalém, ירושלים
Jardim · 19 dicas e avaliações

Jessica V.Jessica Vega: Go to the Grotto for some alone time.

Qumran / קומראן is one of Arabian magic.

25. Qumran / קומראן

Route 90, Qumran, Israel/Palestinian Territories
Parque Nacional · 16 dicas e avaliações

Martin L.Martin Lemke: This place is an alien spaceport in disguise -there is no other explanation why a place in a middle of nowhere would be so crowded.

Safed (Tzfat) is one of Arabian magic.

26. Safed (Tzfat)

Cidade · 6 dicas e avaliações

Frani L.Frani Lieberman: Beautiful art galleries and a really interesting candle factory all the way at the back of the main road past the synagogue

The New Gate is one of Arabian magic.

27. The New Gate

(השער החדש)
Jerusalém, ירושלים
Vista Panorâmica · 7 dicas e avaliações

Sun G.Sun Goddess: The New Gate is just another way into the Old City. There is a falafel place just inside to the left, but not worth stopping. The food is so-so and prices way too high. Eat at Jacob's Pizza instead

Zion Square is one of Arabian magic.

28. Zion Square

(כיכר ציון)
Ben Yehuda St. (Yoel Solomon), Jerusalém, ירושלים
Praça · City Center West · 16 dicas e avaliações

GoJerusalemGoJerusalem: Look down! There’s a piece of contemporary art on the floor! Look for the manhole over by Bank Leumi. It’s a sculpture by Israeli artist Micha Ullman. Who knew?

Churva Synagogue is one of Arabian magic.

29. Churva Synagogue

Sinagoga · Jewish Quarter · 4 dicas e avaliações

Chaviva G.Chaviva Gordon-Bennett: Make site you go on a tour so you can go up into the done and see the view!

The Jaffa Clock Tower is one of Arabian magic.

30. The Jaffa Clock Tower

(מגדל השעון ביפו)
Yefet St 14, Jaffa, תל אביב
Monumento · 28 dicas e avaliações

Masa Israel JourneyMasa Israel Journey: Try the great shwarma place in the Clocktower sqaure. ~Amy S, Young Judaea Year Course

The Garden Tomb is one of Arabian magic.

31. The Garden Tomb

Conrad Schick, Jerusalém, ירושלים
Local Histórico e Tombado · 12 dicas e avaliações

Nikki V.Nikki V.: It's located north of the Damascus gate. Don't get lost. ;)

Via Dolorosa is one of Arabian magic.

32. Via Dolorosa

Via Dolorosa, Jerusalém, ירושלים
Estrada / Rua · 20 dicas e avaliações

Martin R.Martin Rosen: Steep, narrow, crowded, but very lovely too.

בית המקדש is one of Arabian magic.

33. בית המקדש

Temple Mount, Jerusalém, ירושלים
Sinagoga · Jewish Quarter · 1 dica
Mount Scopus is one of Arabian magic.

34. Mount Scopus

Mount Scopus, Jerusalém, ירושלים
Montanha · Hebrew University · 8 dicas e avaliações
Church of the Primacy of St. Peter is one of Arabian magic.

35. Church of the Primacy of St. Peter

Igreja · 8 dicas e avaliações

DanDan: Totally rammed full of tours.

Church of the Holy Sepulchre is one of Arabian magic.

36. Church of the Holy Sepulchre

(כנסיית הקבר)
btwn Suq Khan e-Zeit & Christian Quarter Rd, Jerusalém
Igreja · Christian Quarter · 97 dicas e avaliações

Virgen Maria S.Virgen Maria Santisima: Ay, mi hijo!!

Basilica of the Annunciation is one of Arabian magic.

37. Basilica of the Annunciation

Al-Bishara St, Nazaré, הצפון
Igreja · 12 dicas e avaliações

Stewart C.Stewart Cutler: Get there before 6.00pm before it closes for prayers! And make sure you look for the mosaic from Scotland.

Church Of All Nations is one of Arabian magic.

38. Church Of All Nations

Jerusalém, ירושלים
Igreja · 6 dicas e avaliações
Church of the Nativity is one of Arabian magic.

39. Church of the Nativity

(كنيسة المهد)
Manger Sq., Belém, الضفة الغربية
Igreja · 16 dicas e avaliações

R. M.R. Man: If you are a small group, 5 or less people go to the left side of the greek alter and ask the Palestinian police officer to let you in from the EXIT. Sometimes it works. Enjoy

Stella Maris Monastery is one of Arabian magic.

40. Stella Maris Monastery

Haifa, חיפה
Igreja · 6 dicas e avaliações
St. Peter's Church and Monastery is one of Arabian magic.

41. St. Peter's Church and Monastery

Old Jaffa, Jaffa, תל אביב
Igreja · 4 dicas e avaliações

42. Caesarea Harbor

Caesarea, Qesarya, חיפה
Porto ou marina · 12 dicas e avaliações

IsraelExpertsIsraelExperts: Take a walk along the beach at the ancient Roman city of Caesarea and see the partially submerged castle ruins with IsraelExperts Leia mais.

The Israel Museum is one of Arabian magic.

43. The Israel Museum

(מוזיאון ישראל)
11 Rupin St, Jerusalém, ירושלים
Museu de Arte · Givat Ram · 74 dicas e avaliações

Aaron L.Aaron Ludman: Skip the long ticket lines by going straight to the automatic machines to the right of the ticket counters

Yad Vashem is one of Arabian magic.

44. Yad Vashem

(יד ושם)
Har Hazikaron, P.O.B. 3477, Jerusalém, ירושלים
Museu de História · 56 dicas e avaliações

Kevin M.Kevin Myers: An amazing experience, I wouldn't leave Jerusalem without seeing it!

Rabin Square is one of Arabian magic.

45. Rabin Square

(כיכר רבין)
Rabin Square, Tel Aviv, תל אביב
Praça · 33 dicas e avaliações

juloot G.juloot Gaming: Formally known as "Kings of Israel Square" was named "Rabin Square" after Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin assassination on the evening of 4 November 1995.

Haifa is one of Arabian magic.

46. Haifa

Cidade · 26 dicas e avaliações

Tatiana S.Tatiana Santis: The most beautiful place in the world

Tower of David is one of Arabian magic.

47. Tower of David

(מגדל דוד)
Jaffa Gate, Old City, Jerusalém, ירושלים
Museu de História · 44 dicas e avaliações

EL AL USAEL AL USA: The Light Show conveys the history of Jerusalem with incredible 3d light technology!

Kikar Habima is one of Arabian magic.

48. Kikar Habima

(כיכר הבימה)
HaBima Square, Tel Aviv, תל אביב
Praça · 24 dicas e avaliações

Tal S.Tal S.: Spend some time to relax, the quiet and architecture makes this a perfect spot for a few offline moments

HaTachana is one of Arabian magic.

49. HaTachana

(מתחם התחנה)
2 Koifman St. (Eilat st.), Tel Aviv, תל אביב
Local Histórico e Tombado · Neve Tsedek · 69 dicas e avaliações

David InterContinental Hotel Tel AvivDavid InterContinental Hotel Tel Aviv: The Tachana is the oldest train station in Israel, where you could catch a train from Jaffa to Jerusalem. It's now renovated, and has chic designer stores, trendy bars and good restaurants.

Caesarea is one of Arabian magic.

50. Caesarea

Cidade · 6 dicas e avaliações

IsraelExpertsIsraelExperts: Things to do at Caesarea a)tour the remnants of Herod's structures and amphitheatre. b)see the bath house and dip your toes in the water with IsraelExperts Leia mais.

Jerusalem is one of Arabian magic.

51. Jerusalem

Cidade · 83 dicas e avaliações
Baha'i Gardens is one of Arabian magic.

52. Baha'i Gardens

(הגנים הבהאים)
45 Yefe Nof St., Haifa, חיפה
Jardim · 63 dicas e avaliações

IsraelExpertsIsraelExperts: Take in the view of Haifa Bay from the top of the beautiful gardens of the Bahai temple in Haifa, the city of co-existence. Leia mais.

Dizengoff Square is one of Arabian magic.

53. Dizengoff Square

(כיכר דיזנגוף)
Dizengoff Sq., Tel Aviv, תל אביב
Praça · Kikar Diezengoff · 32 dicas e avaliações

AyaAya: Waterworks show + fire + music at the fountain daily 7 PM & 9 PM :)

Rothschild Boulevard is one of Arabian magic.

54. Rothschild Boulevard

(שדרות רוטשילד)
Rothschild Blvd, Tel Aviv, תל אביב
Calçadão · Lev HaIr · 75 dicas e avaliações

David InterContinental Hotel Tel AvivDavid InterContinental Hotel Tel Aviv: The nicest boulevard in Tel Aviv, with many interesting buildings. There's a free architecture tour every Saturday morning at 11:00 AM. Meeting point: 46 Rothschild (corner of Shadal Street).