Jake Fitzpatrick

Jake Fitzpatrick


Washington, DC
  • 1 Dicas
  • 14 Seguidores
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  • 3 Listas
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  • Boston
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Jake Fitzpatrick
3 locais atualizados
3 lugares incluindo Dover Street Restaurant and Bar, Tate Modern Restaurant, Founder's Arms
Jake Fitzpatrick
45 locais atualizados
45 lugares incluindo Pino, El Rio Grande, Eastern Market, Whole Foods Market
    "Wagamama's is really popular in the UK and they have just opened up some locations in the US. The food is amazing be it soups or noodles. My personal favorite is the spicy firecracker w/ sobi noodles."
    Jake FitzpatrickJake Fitzpatrick · Junho 23, 2013
    · Boston, Estados Unidos