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Houston Museum of Natural Science

Houston Museum of Natural Science

Museu de Ciências e Museu
  • Dicas
    Arce D.
    "The planetarium (planetário) is awesome and college students get dicounts"(8 dicas)
    Laura M.
    "Best Dinosaur exhibit (exposições) I have ever been to!"(53 dicas)
    Denise G.
    "Well (poços) worth the extra money, he brings the museum to life!"(3 dicas)
    Ami H.
    "features model train (trens) cars graffiti'd by local street artists"(4 dicas)
Ícone de Dicas e Avaliações50 Dicas e avaliações
  • exposições
  • museus
  • planetário
  • museu
  • bom para famílias
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  • Laura C.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Laura CredidioSetembro 29, 2015
    Nao da para descrever, foi a melhor exposição de fósseis que ja vi, isto sem contar as outras áreas. Recomendo
  • Manuel G.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Manuel GalvánJulho 30, 2016
  • Mirinha ¤ M.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Mirinha ¤ MoonFevereiro 11, 2013
    Dois eventos hoje aqui !!!!!!!
  • Veronica A.
    Veronica AndradeAgosto 24, 2014
    The butterflies are so beautiful and so many to see :) , the prehistoric place is awesome for kids very educational and plenty to see , my daughter loved it
    Voto a favor 5 de Dec de 2024
  • Jo D.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Jo DobrowskiAgosto 23, 2015
    Super impressive! Seriously, so many dinosaurs! And their gem collection? AMAZING. There's so much to see here. Plan to spend at least a couple hours. Plus, it's free on Thursdays.
  • Chris B.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Chris BradyJulho 8, 2016
    Dinosaurs each other in every display. It's hilarious. The mineral displays are amazing too. And, of course, there are visiting exhibits, which are usually amazing. Check out their Snapchat on HMNS!
  • Tom A.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Tom AdamsJaneiro 5, 2018
    I’m from London, live in NYC and yet this Natural Science museum blew their examples away. Truly a gem in the city of Houston.
  • Christina B.
    Christina BootheMaio 25, 2016
    This is the place that shaped my childhood. My mother invested so much time taking me and my brother to this place over the years. Because of that, my curiosity knows no bounds. I love this place!
  • Mary N.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Mary NJulho 25, 2017
    Great collection. Loved the Gem and Jewel collection! Lots of butterflies with beautiful colors.
  • Jarrod K.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Jarrod KlawinskySetembro 15, 2016
    Beautiful museum with just science but a varied collection of dinosaurs, a living butterfly sanctuary, planetarium, and permanent gemstone hall. It's one of the anchors of the Museum District.
  • Vanessa B.
    Vanessa BenefieldJulho 28, 2013
    If you go in a group, have everyone who has a smart phone download Foursquare. Saved my family $32 with the Butterfly special for your first check in.
  • Abel M.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Abel MartinezSetembro 7, 2019
    Love it! Best museum I have been to in the US. This one is even better than the one in San Diego!
  • Amy H.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Amy HoFevereiro 21, 2016
    Spacious museum with interesting permanent exhibits. One of the best museums I've ever been to- great visit every time!
  • Joe Rodriguez H.
    Our family went to experience the museum and there was something for everyone. The grounds are well kept and the organization is structured.
  • Laura M.
    Laura MinerNovembro 3, 2017
    Best Dinosaur exhibit I have ever been to! Amazing presentation. Also the Butterfly exhibit is a must.
  • Ami H.
    Ami H.Dezembro 24, 2023
    Trains Over Texas, the annual holiday exhibit and largest indoor O-scale train display in the state, features model train cars graffiti'd by local street artists and muralists. BE SOMEONE
  • Blair A.
    Blair AllenAgosto 19, 2018
     Wander through six floors of 16 permanent exhibits and plenty of rotating exhibits year round. Make sure to stop by Morian Hall, the largest Paleontology exhibit in North America!
  • Blair A.
    Blair AllenAgosto 22, 2018
    Wander through six floors of 16 permanent exhibits and plenty of rotating exhibits year round. Make sure to stop by Morian Hall, the largest Paleontology exhibit in North America!
  • Miriam G.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Miriam GoldmanAgosto 7, 2014
    Don't miss the Imax here. Local legend has it that it was once the largest in the country. The butterfly center is also a gem.
  • Antonio A.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Los jueves de 15:00 a 17:00 la entrada es gratis. De lo contrario $20 USD por adulto. Algunas exposiciones tiene. Costo extra: planetario, sharks, mariposas...
  • Kelly Adams Dennis
    Kelly Adams DennisJaneiro 16, 2014
    Explore the far reaches of outer space, roam with the dinosaurs, wander through Africa's Serengeti, and marvel at the world's rarest and most beautiful minerals.
  • Kelly D.
    Kelly DeedsAgosto 9, 2015
    The pyramid display is so descriptive and it is so tactile. The animal bones and dinosaur fossils are elaborate to touch. The paleontology tour is so intricate and educational.
  • The Daytripper
    The DaytripperAbril 17, 2014
    If you only have time for one, make it the Houston Museum of Natural Science with incredible exhibits on Paleontology, Egypt, gems, malacoloy, butterflies and tons more.
  • TopSpot Internet Marketing
    Sr. SEO Strategist Julia says, "If you like going to museums, it's usually cheaper to grab a membership. Since I became a member, I always want to go and get my knowledge on. Thursdays are free."
  • Mar C.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Mar CabreraAbril 12, 2023
    Planetario, butterfly center y mega pantalla todos son boletos extras, planifiquen horarios para su visita porque todos se manejan por horario :)
  • Noor N.
    Noor NahasAbril 20, 2013
    The energy exhibit is a bit outdated and cheesy and it's packed on the weekends. Try to go during off hours or the weekdays if you prefer a quiet museum experience. Mostly for kids and families.
  • Kelly D.
    Kelly DeedsAgosto 9, 2015
    The Gairo Extreme is so worth riding. Upside down, backward and spinning. Spinning ball ride. Science and earth presentation in the Geovator is detailed and it has elevator motions.
  • N P.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    N PFevereiro 24, 2017
    The museum is free on Thursdays after 2pm. Butterfly exhibit has an additional cost but it is worth it and It also has a discount on Thursday's
  • Denise G.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Denise GuajardoAgosto 20, 2018
    Mr. Rich is the most awesome docent! Well worth the extra money, he brings the museum to life!
  • Wil J.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Wil JeudySetembro 26, 2013
    This place is terrific! Clean, easy, LOTS of different stuff to see. I was really (surprisingly) impressed by the Fabrege exhibit.
  • Vasundhara R.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Vasundhara RayOutubro 23, 2015
    Lots to see. Definitely go for the movies. Butterfly park.
  • Jake H.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Jake HaenchenJaneiro 14, 2016
    The butterfly exhibit was superbly beautiful. It's like a small rainforest in the middle of Houston.
  • Clint
    ClintDezembro 31, 2014
    World class paleontology hall - the other exhibits are really good too - plenty of free parking near by if you want to save $10 that the garage charges
    HISTORYAbril 6, 2010
    The live butterfly exhibit fascinates children as does the Challenger Learning Center with its intro to space science. Spend time exploring the dinosaur exhibit, if you need a break enjoy an IMAX film
  • Local Houston Magazine
    Check out their permanent exhibit--Hall of Ancient Egypt. It presents artifacts collected during the early days of investigations, and compares old-style archaeology with 21st-century approaches. Leia mais
  • Elena O.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Elena OverlanderJulho 8, 2018
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    Really enjoyed butterfly center! Museum curator's choice exhibit was very interesting.
  • Jon C.
    Jon ChristoffersenJulho 14, 2013
    Love this place. I could spend days looking at everything. The updated Ancient Egypt exhibit is fascinating. So much to see!
  • Hector S.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Hector SaldivarSetembro 15, 2014
    Demasaiadas exposiciones con costo pagas todas realmente es muy caro el ticket completo. Eso sí, el museo esta en perfectas condiciones.
  • Lisa K.
    Lisa KAgosto 13, 2015
    If you have triple A, show your card and you get a super discount. Ticket goes down to $7!
  • Zach R.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Zach RJunho 18, 2016
    Excellent museum. Perfect for a rainy or hot day. Their evening social events are a lot of fun.
  • Buck Seng N.
    Buck Seng NgJaneiro 11, 2015
    A great natural science & history museum! Lovely.
  • Gina G.
    Gina GarciaOutubro 4, 2014
    The Shark! Exhibit was smaller than I expected but still good. Worth the extra $5 bucks of you already plan to go to the museum
  • Houston Press
    Houston PressJulho 25, 2013
    Check them out Sat, Sept 28th at "The Museum Experience - Zone 4!" Love this museum? Vote for the 2013 Best of Readers Choice for your favorite Houston Museum!
  • NASA
    NASAJaneiro 11, 2011
    Burke Baker Planetarium is one of the most advanced in the world. Don't be surprised if you see a few NASA astronauts here as we use the facility to assist with training on starfield identification. Leia mais
  • G B.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    G BitzMarço 12, 2014
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    If you expect out of town visitors, just get an individual membership and save some money. Because the new paleontology hall really should not be missed when in Houston.
  • Jack M.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Jack MillsSetembro 25, 2024
    Houston Museum of Natural Science at 25 minutes to the east of Houston dentist Mills Dental Group
  • Alexander K.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Alexander KostJulho 2, 2020
    Very cool place, worth spending a couple of hours and very interesting too!
  • Nohariz Iris G.
    Nohariz Iris GonzalezDezembro 7, 2011
    This location is free the first Tuesday of every month. If you have kids...Free is awesome...Or if you just like freebies...As well is the Houston zooYou're welcome!.
  • Irene D.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Irene DubynaAbril 28, 2017
    This place is awesome! special `wow` to dinosaurs room! half of the day won't be enough to look around.
  • JONI B.
    JONI BENMaio 26, 2016
    Called Magic TX in a middle of the night when the garage door wont open. We were tired since we just got back from our camping trip. I figured,
Fotos1.738 Fotos

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