Live music, Budapest most famous restaurant, with many celebrity guests, quite pricy. If you want to see the famous and traditional place its good choice, but you can get much cooler modern places.
historic building and classic cuisine, flowery garden during summer months, wide range of Hungarian delicacies: slow-cooked goose liver, paprika-chicken, classic walnutcrépe à la Gundel Leia mais
Used to be one of the top spots. Service is still excellent, food is well above avarage, but when you are there the ghost of the 90's will haunt you altough just noticable in some small details.
Where there on Valentine last year & tried a discount menu. It was a fantastic gastronomic journey, excellent service, nice, soft, live music. Should try at least once, together with your partner.
One of the best fine dining places in budapest, asparagus with hollandaise sauce, filet of beef, crepe and caramalized strawberry are recommended strongly
Had a great experience here food was delicious and the service was top notch they say it's expensive but to us from London it was cheap. You must go ❤️
Famous restaurant with old-world charm. Elegant interior, classic service, quality dining experience. Silver cutlery and Zsolnay on the tables, and dishes arrive to our tables in cloches.
Very sophisticated atmosphere. Superb service and amazing cuisine. Try asparaguscream soup, pancakes, strudels and fish. The prices are very high. But it is worth this!
If you are rich you can pay for that. If you don't want to eat the same quality, you need to be policitcan close to Mr Orbán Viktor and you can get the same for 10% of this price.
Прекрасное историческое место. Повара настоящие профи, даже свинина с пюре показалась мне амброзией. Цены высокие, но если сравнивать с Москвой, то нормально.
Had a Caesar salad. Nothing special. Food was very slow coming out of the kitchen even though it was a quiet, empty afternoon around 3 o clock. Attire is quite conservative/formal.
A Gundel egyet jelent a magyar gasztronómia és a magyar vendéglátás történetével. Az alapító Gundel Károly megszelídítette a magyar konyhát és ötvözte azt a szélesedő világból érkező behatásokkal. Zseniális érzékkel alkalmazta a modern gasztronómiai technológiát...