Museu incrível para os que têm interesse por fotografia. As exposições temporárias e o acervo permanente são muito bons. Os tours pela mansão e jardins do museu tb são recomendados.
This is such a historic museum, everyone in Rochester should stop by at least once in their life. Beautiful house and the gardens are gorgeous in the summer.
Lost Birds, The Carolina Parakeet, The Labrador Duck, The Heath Hen, The Passenger Pigeon and the Great Auk all here throughout the Gardens...find them all!
This Museum was home to George Eastman. It’s the world’s oldest photography museum & one of the world’s oldest film archives which was opened to the public in 1949.
If you become a member you can go on the upstairs downstairs tour & see things not open to the public. They have great photo exhibits & movies in the Dryden Theatre too.
Definitely an interesting spot to get some history behind the founder of so many successful and inspiring institutions in Rochester, NY! Amazing architecture.