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Flat Rock Cellars

Flat Rock Cellars

  • Dicas
    Sherry S.
    "Lovely wines (vinha), beautiful winery and very pretty views!"(6 dicas)
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  • Matt P.
    Matt PolowykAbril 27, 2013
    This winery has the best view ever! On a clear day you can see the city skyline. Try their Pinot Noirs as they are the best in the region by far
  • Suresh D.
    Suresh DossSetembro 20, 2010
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    The El Gastro food truck is a fantastic place to eat. The riesling and sparkling wines here are good, also try the twisted chardonnay and pinot.
  • Sherry S.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Sherry StoneFevereiro 12, 2016
    Lovely wines, beautiful winery and very pretty views!
  • Flat R.
    Flat RockJaneiro 18, 2011
    Visit us here at the winery this week for a free taste of our Reserve Sparkling Brut - a toast to our winemaker's recent win at the Icewine Festival Barrel Roll Competition! Brought home the Gold!
  • Lauren S.
    Lauren SimmonsMaio 24, 2013
    Lovely view and gravity-fed Pinot, chard, sparkling and Rieslings are hits.
  • Flat R.
    Flat RockFevereiro 24, 2011
    Visit this weekend for a Chocolate Tasting - $12 per person, single origin chocolates and Belgian Chocolate shots :: tours@flatrockcellars to register.
  • Sheila T.
    Sheila TNovembro 29, 2010
    The Sweet Revenge Ice Wine is fantastic. The sweetness is only at 18 and it is not too syrupy.
  • Colin F.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Colin FinkleAbril 15, 2016
    White wine ice cream
  • Robin M.
    Robin MOutubro 16, 2010
    Enjoy a glass of Twisted and Simply Twisted! And the view isn't bad either!!!
  • Kat P.
    Kat PetersonJulho 1, 2013
    Estate Pinot is great!
  • Vivianne
    VivianneMaio 1, 2010
    Great wines, friendly associates, go with Crush on Niagara Wine tours and ask for Jerry to be your guide!
  • Tobin E.
    Tobin ElavathilAbril 2, 2011
    2009 Riesling is fantastic. Not too sweet.
  • David F.
    David FJaneiro 23, 2010
    Drinky drinky drinky drinky
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