Aqui estão algumas dicas populares em Irvine. Selecione um gosto para ver mais:

O Foursquare ajuda você a encontrar lugares perfeitos em Irvine para ir com os amigos:

As pessoas comentam sobre esses lugares em Irvine:

  • 9.1

    Sprouts Farmers Market

    Feira Livre 3775 Alton Pkwy Irvine, CA

    As pessoas também comentam (13 dicas):

    • "You can save a nickel when you use your reusable bag while shopping at any Sprouts store. You'll find the discount right on your receipt! 5 cents can add up! Start using your reusable bags!"
    • Ellie T.
      Ellie T: "Good quality foods, Bulks are my fav"
  • 9.0

    The Habit Burger Grill

    Hamburgueria 4501 Campus Dr Irvine, CA

    As pessoas também comentam (3 dicas):

    • Debhrid G.
      Debhrid Gupta: "The sandwiches are brilliant. Love the sourdough bread. The meat is perfectly cooked ( charred ). Lovely setting."
    • Cynthia F.
      Cynthia Fleming: "I really enjoyed the portabella mushroom charburger! Delish 👌"
  • 9.3

    Trader Joe's

    Mercearia 14443 Culver Dr Irvine, CA

    As pessoas também comentam (13 dicas):

    • Ryan G.
      Ryan Green: "For all of you that love the burn, try the new Trader Joe's Habanero hot sauce. It tastes great on eggs in the morning. But watch it, it sneaks up on ya."
    • Marissa L.
      Marissa LE: "The cashier who rang me up was SO nice. They have great, affordable wine here, too!"

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