Aqui estão algumas dicas populares em Akasaka. Selecione um gosto para ver mais:

O Foursquare ajuda você a encontrar lugares perfeitos em Akasaka para ir com os amigos:

  • 9.1

    Jingu Gaien Ginkgo Avenue

    Trilha de Caminhada 北青山2-1-1 Tóquio, 東京都

    As pessoas também comentam (37 dicas):

    • とり
      とり: "イチョウの綺麗な時期は朝早くいっても人が多いです。更に、年々マナーも悪くなっており折角の風景も台無しです。"
  • 9.2


    Restaurante de Kaiseki 赤坂6-4-15 Tóquio, 東京都

    As pessoas também comentam (9 dicas):

    • Fuyuhiko T.
      Fuyuhiko Takaya: "ランチの人気メニューは「鰯とシラスの"親子丼"」と「焼穴子玉子"ふはふは"」。「鰯とシラスの"親子丼"」はどんぶりに梅干しとシソの葉が乗ってる所に本物感が漂う。昼前までに行かないと座れない。急げ。"
  • 9.0

    Sushi Isshin

    Casa de Sushi 赤坂2-5-6 Tóquio, 東京都

    As pessoas também comentam (9 dicas):

    • hikaru h.
      hikaru hikaru: "関東ITソフトウェア健康保険組合の人限定のお寿司屋さん。予約が取りづらいので予約は余裕を持って!イクラはシーズン中のみ提供。"
  • 8.9

    Pancake Parlor Fru-Full

    Loja de Sobremesa 赤坂2-17-52 Tóquio, 東京都

    As pessoas também comentam (20 dicas):

    • Allie Q.
      Allie Quinn: "Some of the best pancakes of my life! And free refills on coffee! No English menu, but the waitresses were very kind and patient with us clueless tourists while we tried to figure out what to order."
  • 9.1

    Suntory Hall

    Sala de Concerto 赤坂1-13-1 Tóquio, 東京都

    As pessoas também comentam (20 dicas):

    • maru_M
      maru_M: "時間が無くタクシーで駆けつける場合、お隣のホテル2階玄関が時間短縮になります。帰りにそのホテルのパン屋さんでその日の演目のチケットを提示すれば、割引が受けられます。時間があれば行きでも構いませんが。"
  • 8.8

    Midtown Garden

    Jardim 赤坂9-7-1 Tóquio, 東京都

    As pessoas também comentam (22 dicas):

    • Ann S.
      Ann Sakai: "One relaxing spot in one of the craziest town I know. 😸"

As pessoas comentam sobre esses lugares em Akasaka:

  • 8.7


    Restaurante de Ramen 赤坂3-7-9 Tóquio, 東京都

    As pessoas também comentam (46 dicas):

    • Kazy
      Kazy: "排骨坦々麺 1,240円。中細の縮れ麺。排骨、炒めたもやし・ニラ・キクラゲ・干しえび、豚と鶏のひき肉。野菜はシャキシャキ感が残っていて、干しえびが良いアクセント。カレー味が付いた豚肩ロースの排骨は、作り置きでなく都度調理しておりカリッと揚がっている。ラー油と一味唐辛子の辛味だれに鶏ガラ・豚ゲンコツ・野菜でとった出汁を合わせたスープは濃厚だが重たさはない。胡麻の風味もしっかり感じられ、美味しい。"
    • 亜米利加
      亜米利加: "Almost always a line out the door. Very popular TanTanMen joint in Akasaka. 5 levels of hotness, 3 being normal, 5 is super hot. Sui gyoza also very good. Buy your tickets at the machine."
  • 8.6

    赤坂 酒ぐら 鳥酎

    Restaurante de Yakitori 赤坂2-9-2 Tóquio, 東京都

    As pessoas também comentam (13 dicas):

    • Que_ s.
      Que_ sera_v: "漬け鶏南蛮タルタル付定食表にランチの看板出てないし、地下で営業中かも定かでない風情に不安を感じながら入ると、昼前なのに大盛況。10年この地でランチを食べてながら完全に盲点でした。ランチメニューは全て鶏関連780円均一。甘酢に漬け込んだ唐揚げもユニークだが、自家製と思われるタルタルソースと合わせると実に美味い。味が強いのでもう一品欲しくなるし、ライス味噌汁おかわりOKなのは超ヤバい(笑)"
    • Vagelis S.
      Vagelis Sinapidis: "Amazing food! Really really tasteful. Just ask the owner to serve you by his recommendations. Also has a big variety of shake and other traditional Japanese drinks."
  • 8.7

    Yakiniku Tendan

    BBQ Joint 赤坂4-3-6 Tóquio, 東京都

    As pessoas também comentam (10 dicas):

    • Shinsuke S.
      Shinsuke Sato: "The atmosphere is very good. The side menu is buffet style and the food is very good"
    • Akku c.
      Akku chan: "ミルフィーユロースは、三枚のロース肉を重ね、表裏ミディアムで焼いても、中の一枚はレアでいただける、類を見ない激旨メニュー。是非、一度、お試しあれ!"

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