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China Harbor

China Harbor

Restaurante Chinês$$$$
Westlake, Seattle
  • Dicas
    Shae H.
    "This is my new lunch (almoço) spot when I go to my chiropractor."(3 dicas)
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  • almoço
  • jantar
  • lager
  • quiropratas
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  • siafu P.
    siafu PJunho 15, 2014
    Super good and great prices, with great views of the lake.
    Voto a favor2Votos contra
  • Shae H.
    Shae HolsmanAbril 9, 2013
    Very very good. Went in on a whom and an soooo glad I did. This is my new lunch spot when I go to my chiropractor.
    Voto a favor1Votos contra
  • Sandy W.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Sandy WhittingtonJunho 2, 2015
    The hot and sour soup and the cucumber appetizer were pretty good but not great. The only thing you're paying for are the views.
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • Tristan W.
    Tristan WDezembro 29, 2012
    Best Mongolian Beef I've had.
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • Vince M.
    Vince MendilloMaio 12, 2012
    Amazing view great food. Authentic
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • Katharina V.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Katharina VeenendaalOutubro 21, 2014
    For my grandsons birthday we ate here :( our meal for 6 people ended up costing 600.!!!! They charged me 6 times!!! Refused to reimburse me and ruined a special trip! They tied up my money!
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • Sandy W.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Sandy WhittingtonJunho 2, 2015
    The Mongolian beef was Gd awful. It tastes like meat tenderizer and has the texture of water-soaked bread. It was so bad that I kept spitting it out.
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • Kim H.
    Kim HJaneiro 9, 2013
    7 or 8 bucks for lunch. Not a bad deal.
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • Ian G.
    Ian GazarekDezembro 2, 2011
    Try the Almond chicken. SUPER buttery!
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • Katharina V.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Katharina VeenendaalOutubro 21, 2014
    600. Lunch???
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • Tarek A.
    Tarek Abdel-FattahNovembro 25, 2012
    Food was alternately greasy and bland. The value here was the view of the harbor -not the food and certainly not the prices!
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • Melanie T.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Melanie TNovembro 23, 2013
    Be cautious of the meat, flies in soup and dirty cups
    Voto a favor1Votos contra
  • Rob
    RobAbril 3, 2014
    Goddamn Mongorians
    Voto a favor1Votos contra
  • Michael S.
    Michael SMarço 21, 2010
    It's never hard to get a window seat with a nice view, because this place is usually dead.
    Voto a favor1Votos contra
  • Gleb K.
    Gleb KholodovDezembro 11, 2011
    The worst Chinese restaurant I've ever been too. Sorry if I hurt someone's feelings, but even tea tastes like it was brewed with water that's gone bad.
    Voto a favor1Votos contra
  • Katharina V.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Katharina VeenendaalOutubro 21, 2014
    Rude management! Rip off artists!!!
    Voto a favorVotos contra
Fotos83 Fotos

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