Brian Ryer

Brian Ryer


Portland, OR
  • 3 Dicas
  • 8 Seguidores
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  • 2 Listas
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  • Portland
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Brian Ryer
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1 lugar incluindo CollegeNET, Inc
Brian Ryer
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    "Stand here. Wait. A positive result of the social contract will arrive and whisk you away."
    Brian RyerBrian Ryer · Julho 14, 2010
    Ponto de Ônibus
    · Portland, Estados Unidos
    "Handmade hot tamales are about the best you can imagine!"
    Brian RyerBrian Ryer · Junho 30, 2010
    Feira Livre
    · Portland, Estados Unidos
    "You'll often find Dakota or Mango or Brian here, in various combinations, doing science or goofing around or eating out of little cans. Okay, that last one is mostly Mango."
    Brian RyerBrian Ryer · Junho 23, 2010
    · Portland, Estados Unidos