Binitha clement

Binitha clement

Bangalore, 19
  • 2 Dicas
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  • Bangalore
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Binitha clement
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Binitha clement
1 locais atualizados
1 lugar incluindo Big Pitcher
    "Last sun DJ vipul khurana was playing. Very gripping music. And I Had a brawny prawny, which was pan fried and served with something called gazpacho drizzle. Red hot chilli babycorn was also good."
    Binitha clementBinitha clement · Junho 19, 2018
    · Bangalore, Índia
    "Best thing in bp is there events. Awesomeness! Bst part is live video. Had a brawny prawny, which was pan fried and served with something called gazpacho drizzle. Red chilli babycorn was also good."
    Binitha clementBinitha clement · Junho 19, 2018
    · Bangalore, Índia