
1. Venta San Miguel

Carretera Málaga-Almería, Km 289, Málaga, AL
Restaurante · 1 dica

Baljit A.Baljit Almond: Little restaurant off the beaten track. All time fave in Nerja. Kitchen is run by one chef who doesnt speak a word of English and his food is full of rustic charm. Massive portions and pretty cheap.

El Pulguilla is one of Nerja.

2. El Pulguilla

C. Almirante Ferrandiz, 26, Nerja, Andaluzia
Frutos do Mar · 55 dicas e avaliações

Baljit A.Baljit Almond: Full of locals, sports bar. The best Tapas l have had in Spain. You get a little something with every little beer. So cheap and a random night out. We never need dinner after here. We come here a lot!