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Downtown Pizza Sports Bar & Grill

Downtown Pizza Sports Bar & Grill

Restaurante Italiano e Pizzaria$$$$
  • Dicas
    Angi C.
    "delish but the salads (salada) are DEF worth"(4 dicas)
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  • Angi C.
    Angi CowgillJulho 6, 2013
    Great place to eat!!! Pizza was delish but the salads are DEF worth it!! HUGE!!! We went cuz we had a groupon and now we will be back for more!!! And waitress was AWESOME!! It's New York style pizza
    Voto a favor4Votos contra
  • Lolagrrl
    LolagrrlNovembro 10, 2012
    Excellent NY style slices on the cheap. Open til 2am on Saturday. This place is going to do fine if they live through their first Saturday. ;D
    Voto a favor1Votos contra
  • Betsy J.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Betsy J.Abril 27, 2013
    I always hit Tony's when I work a gig downtown. Staff goes the extra mile to make sure their patrons are happy & the food is always excellent!
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  • Boston T.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Boston TaylorOutubro 16, 2014
    The pizza is great if your in a rush. And they have these amazing garlic knots! Yum.
    Voto a favor1Votos contra
  • Matt C.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Matt CasonNovembro 19, 2013
    Pretty good pizza, awesome crust. Nice location and next door to a cool beer store.
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  • Rich S.
    Rich SheldonJunho 26, 2010
    Great pizza, Cesar salads, Greek salads, wings, friendly service, and Dean Martin on the stereo. Wings are fried but delicious.
    Voto a favor1Votos contra
  • Rachel M.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Rachel MaffetJulho 27, 2014
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    Their pizza is SOOO good, but prepare to wait a very, very longtime to get your food.
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • Naomi W.
    Naomi WashingtonMaio 31, 2013
    Pizza was Good. But would have been MUCH BETTER if the bottom wasn't burnt. Also didn't take long to come out on a busy day. Still blows it was burnt though. -_-
    Voto a favor1Votos contra
  • Abbey H.
    Abbey HeimensenSetembro 28, 2011
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    The pizza is amazing but the service is even better! It's a Clearwater must try!
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  • Chrisícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    ChrisAgosto 24, 2012
    Esteve aqui mais de 50 vezes!
    Get the grilled chicken Caesar salad. It's amazing.
    Voto a favor3Votos contra
  • SayKyleNotCow
    SayKyleNotCowFevereiro 18, 2013
    If you are in a hurry don't bother placing a to go order. Takes forever and you will be late. If you are thinking 10-15 minutes, plan on 25-30.
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • Patricia N.
    Patricia NemethFevereiro 25, 2011
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    Great pizza! Their new location looks really nice and spacious.
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  • Clay N.
    Clay NormanJaneiro 11, 2013
    Great tiramisu!
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  • Tony's Pizzeria Ristorante
    Tony's Pizzeria RistoranteFevereiro 27, 2012
    Large cheese pizza for only $6.99.Mondays only.
    Voto a favor1Votos contra
  • SayKyleNotCow
    SayKyleNotCowFevereiro 18, 2013
    Did take forever, but was damn good.
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  • It's me
    It's meAbril 21, 2012
    "antipast" is huge! Yum!
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • Joseph I.
    Joseph IllingworthJunho 4, 2011
    Is the beer less than a Starbuck's coffee?
    Voto a favorVotos contra
  • Carla L.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Carla LAbril 10, 2012
    Was really bad
    Voto a favorVotos contra
Fotos84 Fotos

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