Delicious italian craft beer from Milan: it's pricy but high quality. When I was there they didn't have Santambroeus, my favourite, so I had a Lambrate (bock) that was fantastic.
This is seriously the best bar in Berlin! Great selection of craft beer, good food, nice music, cool staff. What else can anyone want? If you try Quarantot and Gaina you will come back for more! ❤️
coole Bar für italienische Biere, authentisch: italienisches Personal, Bestellung auf italienisch, kleinere, italienische Speisen, mein Tipp: Käseplatte und gegrillte Artischocken
There is just something about the „Feierabendbier“-ritual that is unbelievably satisfactory... 😏 It‘s the right amount of business that entertains but does not overwhelm and the people are cool. 👌🏼
Is there a craft beer bar that's not hipster? Anyway, the single-brewery themeing is a nice change from the usual places, and atmo and staff are great.
Mit der Erfahrung der zwei italienischen Braumeister Manuele... Colonna und Giampaolo Sangiorgi eröffnete diese Bierstube am 30. April 2016. An 16 Zapfhähnen stehen Fassbiere von Birrificio Lambrate zur Verfügung. Dazu werden repräsentative Flaschenbiere angeboten.(Mostrar mais)