Bronx Zoo

Bronx Zoo

Bronx Park, Bronx
  • Estrelas
    Os experts de The Corcoran Group e New York Habitat recomendam este local
    • The Corcoran Group
    • New York Habitat
  • Dicas
    Christina C.
    "I loved the polar bear, tiger, and giraffe exhibits (exposições)"(31 dicas)
    Stephen W.
    "Very cool gardens (jardins), bring a picnic!"(7 dicas)
    Jennifer O.
    "extremely crowded (cheio de gente) with camps.."(5 dicas)
    Jamie L.
    "Food is just okay, but they sell beer at the Dancing (dança) Crane Cafe!!"(4 dicas)
Ícone de Dicas e Avaliações50 Dicas e avaliações
  • zoológicos
  • exposições
  • jardins
  • bom para famílias
  • animais
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  • Josefinne P.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Josefinne PZSetembro 19, 2017
    Chegue cedo! O Zoo só abre durante 7:30h, então corra. É um local lindo, organizado e encanta pela harmonia entre os animais. Imperdível: setores Congo e Ásia (com passeio panorâmico de trem)
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  • Guilherme 梅.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Guilherme 梅田Outubro 30, 2016
    Venha de quarta feira onde a entrada é de graça!!! Mas se prepare para muitas... mas muitas crianças,muitas filas, muitas famílias!
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  • Luis S.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Luis ShimabukuroJaneiro 2, 2015
    Já fui há muito tempo atrás, lembro que valeu a pena. Vou repetir essa visita em um próxima oportunidade! Se não me engano, é o 2º maior zoológico dos USA, só atrás de San Diego.
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  • Átila F.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Átila FreireDezembro 29, 2015
    Só é bom no verão, no inverno está tudo fechado e alguns animais não ficam expostos
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  • Antonio Luizícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Antonio LuizSetembro 29, 2015
    Na verdade eu esperava mais, a parte dos gorilas vale a pena
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  • Eliana L.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Eliana LeiteJaneiro 5, 2017
    Adorei esse zôo que parece um parque
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  • Erik C.
    Erik CintronJulho 15, 2015
    An amazing place. What not to love about the zoo!! One of top in USA. such a huge pretty place. With almost every animal. Good food, camel rides, the monorail and sea lions, a must do if ur in the BX
    Voto a favor39Votos contra
    Voto a favor Jan 4
  • Paige C.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Paige CMarço 7, 2016
    Love this zoo but don't come during the "off season" winter months because everything is closed and you won't see half of the animals. May-October is their peak season.
    Voto a favor43Votos contra
  • City of New York
    City of New YorkMaio 6, 2013
    "Escape the bustling city & enjoy the largest metropolitan zoo in the U.S. with 600+ species. Check out the congo gorilla forest, butterfly garden, jungle world & the monkey house. Free on Wednesdays"
    Voto a favor71Votos contra
    Voto a favor Jan 18
  • Jeff S.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Jeff S.Novembro 24, 2017
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    I always enjoy going to the Bronx Zoo. It’s so relaxing to walk around & see 4,000 animals up close. It’s always a new & different experience. The exhibits are awesome! Can’t believe I took this pic..
    Voto a favor6Votos contra
  • Mikeícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    MikeJulho 14, 2017
    Esteve aqui mais de 10 vezes!
    Love this zoo. It's the best zoo in all NYC!! I always look forward to our summer trips here. If you live in the area and have kids the yearly membership is def worth it!
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  • Christina C.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Christina ChinOutubro 31, 2015
    Massive zoo in the hood. Can spend all day there checking out exhibits. I think late afternoon may be best time to see the animals active otherwise may catch them hiding or sleeping
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  • Erdem Ö.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Erdem ÖzkanJunho 12, 2018
    Nice place! try to go there as early as possible. There are too many sections to visit. If you go there by car, find the entrance(s) with parking option.
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  • New York Habitat
    New York HabitatAbril 16, 2014
    One of the most popular places that people like to explore in the Bronx is the Bronx Zoo! Great place to bring kids so they can explore a variety of different animal exhibitions and the wildlife!
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  • Pinchas M.
    Pinchas MargolisOutubro 29, 2014
    Make sure to download the zoo map online before you go and plan a route. It's a big zoo and you can just end up going in circles- specially if you are going with a big group of kids. Parking is $15
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  • Kirill K.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Kirill KukuruzaNovembro 5, 2016
    Beatiful zoo park to spend all your day. A lot of animals and attractions
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  • Jessica F.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Jessica FergussonOutubro 19, 2018
    La entrada es costosa pero es un zoo que merece la pena. Los animales se ven bien cuidados y en espacios amplios. Se pueden ver de cerca muchos animales que en otras partes se ven demasiado lejos.
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  • Frieda M.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Frieda MillerJulho 3, 2017
    1) go on the monorail! Lots of animals and you get a rest and ride. 2) use the shuttle to get around and to opposite ends of the park quickly 3) Bring lunch so you save $$ and so can splurge on treats
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  • Runnett
    RunnettSetembro 22, 2012
    It's best to go on a weekday when school in session. You get to see everything you want to see in record time. Get the Total Experience Ticket if you are planning on seeing the exhibits. Worth it.
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  • Sarah F.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Sarah FieldsJunho 15, 2015
    Amazing zoo with incredible animals. The gorilla exhibit is worth the extra ticket price. Go for the full experience over general admission.
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  • Katerina S.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Katerina SimbonisOutubro 28, 2017
    The cable ride is awesome & I loved the way it was designed it give the feeling that the animals are in their natural environment.
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  • Michele S.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Michele SMaio 7, 2015
    The peacocks were my favorite, strutting around. Almost free as a bird, besides the fact they live in a zoo! Lots to see will come back hopefully the Tigers or the Lions
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  • Samman
    SammanAbril 23, 2013
    Escape the bustling city & enjoy the largest metropolitan zoo in the U.S. with 600+ species. Check out the congo gorilla forest, butterfly garden, jungle world, & the monkey house. Free on Wednesdays.
    Voto a favor3Votos contra
  • New York Habitat
    New York HabitatJulho 19, 2012
    On Wednesdays, you can enjoy a nice free trip to the Bronx Zoo! It's a great place to explore the exhibitions of nature and wildlife. The bear and lion showcases make it seem like you're in the wild!
    Voto a favor11Votos contra
  • Dasean B.
    Dasean BetheaAbril 10, 2016
    Try the burger and fries take cash to eat I know it's a little humiliating eating meat at the zoo 🍔🍟🍺
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  • Ruth M.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Ruth MadrigalJulho 18, 2015
    Beautiful place. You can easily spend an entire day here. Go for the Total Experience ticket and don't miss the Asia Monorail (red pandas!) and Jungle World exhibit.
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  • Harlem A.
    Harlem AmbassadorDezembro 27, 2014
    Across from the Botanical garden and near Arthur Avenue, is the largest zoo in the US. Habitats are pretty life like and there is a tram to help you get around. Cafe is on premise if hunger strikes.
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  • Belladonna P.
    Belladonna PHOENIXSetembro 15, 2015
    Support the zoo, it's the one place where kids can learn, and families can share time. I have been coming with my family since I was little.
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  • Chris P.
    Chris PattiAbril 29, 2014
    Some of the exhibits here are just sad, particularly the big cats and polar bears. That said, the monorail is one of the best parts IMO. Don't be scared off by the line, it moves quickly.
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  • Jelle H.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Jelle HoogenboomAbril 27, 2015
    Visit World of Birds for some of the most beautiful birds in the world, including Lesser Bird of Paradise and Andean Cock-of-the-Rock.
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  • Oscar M.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Oscar MaderaAbril 20, 2016
    Excellent place to hang out with friends. A lot of animals to see, don't me the reptiles and on Wednesday is free admistion
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  • The Corcoran Group
    The Corcoran GroupMarço 5, 2013
    On Wednesdays it's a "Suggested Donation" day which includes everything but a camel ride. So take a personal day and spend it exploring the wild wonders of the Animal Kingdom.
    Voto a favor24Votos contra
  • Rebecca M.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Rebecca MazzaMarço 17, 2016
    Esteve aqui mais de 10 vezes!
    My favorite place to visit on the weekends. Summer gets a little crazy with families. I recommend going in the winter for a romantic, quite date
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  • Berthica C.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Berthica CáceresNovembro 7, 2018
    Debe visitarse en otoño, y los miércoles la entrada es gratis pero para visitar ciertas áreas debes pagar 10us ... 👍
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  • Justin O.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Justin OrdovezaDezembro 22, 2016
    Free admission on Wednesday but you still have to pay for parking. In winter some animals are not on display. The giraffe, rhinoceros, sea birds exhibits can be smelly.
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  • Maria B.
    Maria BSetembro 19, 2014
    If you r not a kids person don't go on Wednesday (which is entrance by donation) butterfly garden us worth paying extra! 😊
    Voto a favor1Votos contra
  • Karl B.
    Karl BergerOutubro 28, 2019
    The Bronz Zoo is a huge, world-class zoo. The habitat exhibits like the Congo Gorilla Forest offer astounding experiences and should not be missed.
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  • Kate F.
    Kate FurmanMaio 3, 2015
    $20 for general admission gets you to most of the zoo. The soft serve ice cream is also one of the best I've had.
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  • Jamie L.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Jamie LinJunho 12, 2016
    Get your tickets ahead of time to save a few bucks - Total Experience is definitely worth it. Food is just okay, but they sell beer at the Dancing Crane Cafe!!
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  • Mo F.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Mo FFevereiro 17, 2019
    They only had one price displayed at the entrance but since we didnt want to go on any rides (and I think some are closed in winter) we could have saved $6 each. Check the prices!
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  • Raquel V.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Raquel VasconcelosAgosto 28, 2014
    Awesome place! You do need the entire day to visit everything. Get the total experience ticket. DO NOT GO ON DONATION DAY!
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  • TheParrisFoundation
    TheParrisFoundationOutubro 23, 2011
    Grab a map because the zoo is huge. Remember to bring a stroller for the little ones, or rent one at the park. Be sure to visit the sea lions; they're a noisy, fun bunch.
    Voto a favor5Votos contra
  • Jess P.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Jess ParrottOutubro 2, 2017
    The reptile house is worth the whole visit to the zoo, as well as jungle world. Excellent staff and great exhibitions!
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  • Erica T.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Erica TaylorAgosto 20, 2014
    The zoo is great and there's lots to see. Wednesdays have suggested admission as well as discounted full experience tickets.
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  • Christine S.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Christine SpazianoNovembro 4, 2013
    Remember where you park and become a member because you can go to many other New York sites like the botanical gardens, Central Park zoo , etc.
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  • Bethel & City Tours
    Bethel & City ToursFevereiro 3, 2012
    You spend hours walking, taking pictures. It's beautiful. The animals are impressive. You don't feel like you are visiting a concrete jungle here. It truly is beautiful and worth the visit.
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  • Fula O.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Fula OMaio 29, 2022
    Go early 10am you beat the crowds, and it’s cooler and less and hir the big exhibits eg the Gorillas
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  • Erin R.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Erin RathJunho 18, 2016
    An amazing zoo! Good, interactive signage. I would like to see more keeper programs. Come prepared for lots of walking.
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  • Ray H.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Ray HJunho 1, 2013
    Try to avoid going on Wednesdays which is the one day admission is on a donation basis. Most individuals don't donate so you get riffraff attending. In addition, school trips happen a lot on that day.
    Voto a favor2Votos contra
  • Michelle B.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Michelle BuiceSetembro 23, 2016
    I grew up going to this zoo and was able to bring my daughter ( who was not raised in NY). The zoo is huge so be prepared to walk and I would suggest packing a lunch.
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