Created by Will Devine Updated On: Setembro 23, 2011
USS Accord hikes through Watkins Glen State Park each fall and invites everyone (including out-of-towners) to join in the fun! More details can be found at .
Will Devine: De facto home base for USS Accord's Watkins Glen Weekend. Out-of-town guests often stay here, where Accord gets a special room rate. The excellent Sunday morning brunch is also here.
2270 N Triphammer Rd (Triphammer Mall), Ithaca, NY
Padaria · 28 dicas e avaliações
Will Devine: People attending USS Accord's Watkins Glen Weekend, particularly, out-of-towners, often grab breakfast here prior to gathering at the Ramada for the car convoy to Watkins Glen. Great bagel sandwiches.
Will Devine: The site of the gathering (and optional meal) immediately prior to hiking into Watkins Glen State Park for USS Accord's Watkins Glen Weekend. Please do not park your car here for WGW.
Parque Estadual ou Provincial · 75 dicas e avaliações
Will Devine: The focus of USS Accord's Watkins Glen Weekend. A beautiful state park in New York's Finger Lakes region, STARFLEET chapter USS Accord holds a hike each fall. Everyone is invited to join in!
Will Devine: During USS Accord's Watkins Glen Weekend, people often go here for dessert after the Saturday night dinner. Sit outside at night; it's never too chilly for ice cream!
Will Devine: In the past, this has been the rain location for USS Accord's Watkins Glen Weekend, when it's considered too rainy to hike through Watkins Glen State Park. CMOG is great to visit any other time.