Victoria Bridgwood

Victoria Bridgwood


  • 15 Dicas
  • 34 Seguidores
  • 45 Seguindo
  • 5 Listas

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As principais cidades de Victoria
1 Lista criada · 1 Dica
1 Dica
1 Dica
Coober Pedy
1 Dica
2 Dicas
2 Dicas
Victoria Bridgwood
1 locais atualizados Março 26, 2013
1 lugar incluindo Great Barrier Reef
Victoria Bridgwood
3 locais atualizados Março 26, 2013
3 lugares incluindo Caldecott, Abingdon-on-Thames, Morland
Victoria Bridgwood
4 locais atualizados
4 lugares incluindo The Bandstand, Twisted, Chill On Ice Lounge & Ski Lodge, NothingNew2WearHQ
Victoria Bridgwood
12 locais atualizados
12 lugares incluindo Opalios, The Boho Bar, Haigh's Chocolate Factory, Asian Beer Cafe
\nListas de VictoriaListas que Victoria criouListas seguidas por Victoria
Dicas recentes de Victoria
"Staff are friendly and helpful and the chocolate is to die for, check out the specials or grab a coffee and sit outside overlooking the peaceful gardens"
Victoria BridgwoodVictoria Bridgwood · Junho 23, 2013
· Denmark, Austrália
"Such a great place and value for money! Love the goats and the Roos and the two koalas!!! :)"
Victoria BridgwoodVictoria Bridgwood · Junho 23, 2013
Sem categoria
· Austrália
"Stays out the longest, knows so much about the animals, gives them their space and cares for the Enviroment, sails on the boat make the trip even more Eco-friendly :) cannot recommend this trip enough"
Victoria BridgwoodVictoria Bridgwood · Junho 21, 2013
Porto / Marina
· Albany, Austrália
"Best $$ deal around, pay for one tour and come back for free the next time (within 2 weeks) John is brilliant and stays out the longest, hot food and drinks, and scones and jam made by his wife-yummy!"
Victoria BridgwoodVictoria Bridgwood · Junho 21, 2013
Porto / Marina
· Albany, Austrália
"In camps6 there are 2 supposedly free sites, they're not, one is $10 per person the other $5 per person-not that the charge is used as the 'facilities' were terrible."
Victoria BridgwoodVictoria Bridgwood · Maio 23, 2013
Parque Nacional
· Jabiru, Austrália
"Free unpolished opals, a semi-precious stone for luck and great prices. Family owed, mined and run. My Favourite place in Coober Pedy"
Victoria BridgwoodVictoria Bridgwood · Maio 16, 2013
· Coober Pedy, Austrália