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Casa de Sushi$$$$
  • Estrelas
    Um dos melhores 5 Casas de Sushi em Annapolis
  • Dicas
    Taylor A.
    "The Green Regal is my favorite cocktail (coquetel)."(4 dicas)
    Ciege E.
    "Great sushi, hip (na moda) environment."(2 dicas)
    Lucy W.
    "Get the avocado salad (salada) with seared tuna."(3 dicas)
    Noble Experiment
    "Sit at the bar (bar) and chat it up with the best bartenders in Annapolis."(2 dicas)
Ícone de Dicas e Avaliações40 Dicas e avaliações
  • sushi
  • coquetel
  • na moda
  • tratamento bom
  • atendimento bom
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  • Rachel L.
    Rachel LDezembro 17, 2014
    My friend and I loved the sriracha Mac and cheese. The Brussels sprouts were also delicious and the fries with chili aioli. The dipping sauce for the fries was spicy!
  • Melissa C.
    Melissa CaseAgosto 31, 2012
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    Best bartenders in Annapolis (and by a large margin). Creative, flavorful cocktails and an elegant assortment of craft beers, both on draught and in bottles. Great sashimi, too! Wowza!
  • Allyson H.
    Allyson HarttenMarço 9, 2015
    Scotia and Spicy Tuna rolls are bomb. You can also get a half order of the Yamato's Tofu which is oh so delicious.
  • Ciege E.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Ciege EngJunho 9, 2015
    Great sushi, hip environment. Good for a date or late night chill venue. Most interesting specialty sushi rolls in town.
  • Trevor G.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Trevor GryffynMarço 24, 2022
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    Great Asian inspired dishes, including sushi, and a great high quality cocktail selection.
  • Sandra R.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Sandra RielaOutubro 13, 2014
    Esteve aqui mais de 10 vezes!
    Love the sushi, the jailbreak beer on tap. The short ribs with sriracha mac and cheese are fantastic!
  • Robyn J.
    Robyn JoyAgosto 3, 2011
    Esteve aqui mais de 10 vezes!
    Tuesday nights now feature DJ Hosch featuring the best in rock, 80's pop, indie, punk, you name it. Make a request, he'll probably have it!
  • Donald L C.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Donald L Clautice Jr.Agosto 29, 2011
    Esteve aqui mais de 10 vezes!
    Great spot to sit outside and have a beer when you've got no power! Octopus is awesome!
  • Kathleen B.
    Kathleen BoothOutubro 28, 2011
    Esteve aqui mais de 10 vezes!
    Fantastic sushi, a very hip vibe and you have GOT to try the Yomato's tofu (from the sushi menu)!
  • Metropolitan K.
    Check out Yomato's tofu (on the sushi menu) - and ask for it WITH the bonito flakes! Trust us, it's great...
  • Lucy W.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Lucy W.Julho 21, 2012
    Get the avocado salad with seared tuna. Delicious! Housing BBQ chicken sandwich is yummy.
  • Tara C.
    Tara ChristiansonDezembro 4, 2012
    Ask Scott (the bartender) to make you his best Manhattan. You won't regret it.
  • Jason S.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Jason StoneMarço 7, 2021
    Tried sushi here and I absolutely loved it!
  • Christine P.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Christine PerlickJaneiro 14, 2016
    Half price sushi for happy hour every night!
  • Taylor A.
    Taylor AhmayOutubro 10, 2012
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    Their cocktails and drink specials kick ass. Try the Sangria also!
  • SidJacks
    SidJacksAbril 12, 2013
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    Check out the Pop Art shore between 4/11-4/25/13
  • Josh C.
    Josh CranfordJulho 7, 2013
    I pooped here it was very clean.
  • Taylor A.
    Taylor AhmayOutubro 29, 2012
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    The Green Regal is my favorite cocktail.
  • Kathleen B.
    Kathleen BoothDezembro 3, 2010
    Esteve aqui mais de 10 vezes!
    Yamato's tofu just might be my favorite food on the planet! Try it and don't let those bonito flakes scare you!
  • Chris D.
    Chris DavisMaio 25, 2012
    Use your chopsticks so you can look like a walrus!
  • Robyn J.
    Robyn JoyAgosto 3, 2011
    Esteve aqui mais de 10 vezes!
    Sriracha mac'n'cheese is a perfect compliment to a natty boh draft
  • The Baltimore Sun
    The Baltimore SunMaio 3, 2011
    The Baltimore Sun ranks this restaurant No. 37 on its best county restaurants list. Leia mais
  • Noble Experiment
    Noble ExperimentMarço 19, 2010
    Esteve aqui mais de 10 vezes!
    Sit at the bar and chat it up with the best bartenders in Annapolis. And great food!
  • Ashley R.
    Ashley ReeseMaio 19, 2012
    Thumbs up for a last minute date night. YOLO right?? Lol great tsangria!
  • Rose C.
    Rose CherusseryAgosto 21, 2011
    the sushi's okay, but the fried banana with ginger ice cream is deeeelicious!
  • Telly
    TellyJunho 15, 2010
    Get the early and help shut it down. If you're nice, the bartenders used to let you linger.
  • Alexandra O.
    Alexandra OvertonJunho 19, 2012
    Great sushi, and staff.
  • Melissa D.
    Melissa DurbinFevereiro 12, 2013
    Esteve aqui mais de 10 vezes!
    Nice ambiance, sushi till 1 AM, but not the best service. But don't be sad, two out of three ain't bad.
  • John B.
    John BoothOutubro 28, 2011
    Esteve aqui mais de 10 vezes!
    Green curry soup and spicy tuna. The perfect Friday lunch
  • Debra C.
    Debra CussonAgosto 24, 2013
    Great spicy tuna rolls!!
  • Kara B.
    Kara BrookJulho 24, 2011
    Way too much sugar in the avacado salad dressing and in sushi sauces. Whole foods does a better job on sushi! Nice folks and a lot of poorly dressed middle aged women desiring to be younger than that
  • Katie A.
    Katie AmesAbril 6, 2013
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    Minki is awesome.
  • Jessie-Lee N.
    Jessie-Lee NicholsOutubro 28, 2011
    Awesome! So glad to try something new today!
  • Beth K.
    Beth KoscianskiAgosto 11, 2011
    Esteve aqui mais de 10 vezes!
    Dollar Bohs on Sundays! Cant beat it.
  • Tiffany
    TiffanyMarço 21, 2011
    Try the New Yorker...def my fav there!
  • donald c.
    donald charltonJunho 29, 2010
    Velvet thunder martinis, awesome spicy tuna rolls
  • Matthew C.
    Matthew CalderoneJaneiro 16, 2011
    Esteve aqui mais de 25 vezes!
    Drink $1.00 Miller High Life Ponies!!!
  • Krista C.
    Krista ChesterJunho 15, 2010
    Avocado salad! Booop Boooowip!
  • Joshua P.
    Joshua PriceJulho 12, 2012
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    yeah... no
  • Wizícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    WizAbril 3, 2010
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    Go to the bar. Nuff said
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