Tiffany Bonavia

Tiffany Bonavia


New York, NY
  • 2 Dicas
  • 22 Seguidores
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  • New York
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Tiffany Bonavia
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Tiffany Bonavia
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4 lugares incluindo Tex Mex, My Lovely Bed, on the clouds.... in claudes bed :), in the daizy mobil
    "Don't waste your money here. Go up the Chrysler building instead... You'll get a better view as you get to also see central park and up state clearer and you get to see the empire state building too."
    Tiffany BonaviaTiffany Bonavia · Dezembro 31, 2013
    · Nova Iorque, Estados Unidos
    "Always come prepared :-) lol"
    Tiffany BonaviaTiffany Bonavia · Junho 27, 2013
    · Malta