Thikshan Arulampalam

Thikshan Arulampalam


New York, NY
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  • 25 Seguidores
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  • New York
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Thikshan Arulampalam
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Thikshan Arulampalam
7 locais atualizados
7 lugares incluindo Kopi Kopi, NYU Skirball Center for Performing Arts, Bangkok 2 Thai, Sigiri Sri Lankan Cuisine
    "The Duck dishes are fantastic. It is hard to choose if it's the tamarin duck or the curry duck. The Tamarin duck is fried to perfection crisp and crunchy on the outside nice and soft inside."
    Thikshan ArulampalamThikshan Arulampalam · Abril 12, 2014
    · Nova Iorque, Estados Unidos
    "Look at the caterpillar bench to the left as you enter. Pay specific attention to the legs"
    Thikshan ArulampalamThikshan Arulampalam · Março 15, 2014
    Galeria de Arte
    · Nova Iorque, Estados Unidos