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Espaço de Coworking, Cibercafé e Espaço de Eventos
Capitol Hill, Denver
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  • Denver Westword
    Denver WestwordJulho 23, 2013
    The Desk has taken the idea of a co-workspace several steps further, offering everything from desks to conference rooms for inexpensive hourly rates, along with wine, beer, and wi-fi services.
    SNOCRUSetembro 25, 2013
    More cities need The Desk in them! 5 bones for a nice place to get work done with printing etc along with unlimited drip coffee YES please
  • Shay C.
    Shay CarlstromJulho 25, 2012
    Quiet, beautiful, and cool (in both meanings of the word) inside; while the expense and limited food menu may prevent daily visits, it's certainly conducive to productivity.
  • Brianna B.
    Brianna BurtonMarço 30, 2012
    The front is a free bright ink cafe but the back is a paid desk area to really get away. Great idea.
  • Adam S.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Adam StillMarço 24, 2013
    Best coffee in the city! Their espresso first class.
  • Adeel R.
    Adeel RJunho 7, 2013
    The ready made omelette is quite good! Ask them to heat it up
  • Tracy J.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Tracy JonesAgosto 12, 2013
    Esteve aqui mais de 10 vezes!
    Best coffee in the area- a good place to call your local!
  • Gina M.
    Gina MccartneyMarço 11, 2013
    The hot caramel apple drink is yummy.
  • Sarah G.
    Sarah GoreMarço 14, 2013
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    The lavendar latte is a thing of beauty.
  • Robbie Dean S.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    good place to work.
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