Amy Vega

Amy Vega


Bronx, NY
  • 11 Dicas
  • 49 Seguidores
  • 77 Seguindo
  • 3 Listas
Listas de Amy em Todas as cidades
  • Bronx
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As principais cidades de Amy
11 Dicas
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Amy Vega
1 locais atualizados
1 lugar incluindo Anderson Live
Amy Vega
5 locais atualizados
5 lugares incluindo LA Fitness, Starbucks, Ivana's Pizzeria, Crosstown Diner
    Dicas recentes de Amy
    "Sign up for the free swimming lessons provided by the parks department during the summer months. The kids come in before the public does. No lines, no waiting. Great instructors."
    Amy VegaAmy Vega · Agosto 19, 2013
    · Bronx, Estados Unidos
    "My Lobster Roll disappeared from my plate! So good."
    Amy VegaAmy Vega · Agosto 11, 2013
    Frutos do Mar
    · Bronx, Estados Unidos
    "I hate to complain but...They tried to give me diabetes by filling my iced coffee with enough caramel to ice a cake. It was a waste of good coffee to have to ask for it to be fix. RIP iced coffee."
    Amy VegaAmy Vega · Agosto 8, 2013
    · Bronx, Estados Unidos
    "Watch out for the crazy lady sitting on the front steps smoking cigarettes. Don't look directly at her and don't listen to her crazy talk."
    Amy VegaAmy Vega · Agosto 7, 2013
    Residência (Particular)
    · Bronx, Estados Unidos
    "Bring coffee for the The Awesome Mom and you'll always be welcomed at The Land of the Awesome."
    Amy VegaAmy Vega · Maio 9, 2013
    Residência (Particular)
    · Bronx, Estados Unidos
    "Please remove your shoes before entering the living room."
    Amy VegaAmy Vega · Dezembro 30, 2012
    Residência (Particular)
    · Bronx, Estados Unidos