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Temple Nightclub

Temple Nightclub

Casa Noturna
SoMa, São Francisco
  • Dicas
    "Top 40 dance (dança) events"(2 dicas)
    Sonia W.
    "pretty crowded (cheio de gente) downstairs..."(3 dicas)
    The Taste Sheriff
    "Lines (filas) can be long so get yourself on the guest list."(3 dicas)
    Derek P.
    "otherwise interesting city (cidades)"(2 dicas)
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  • dança
  • confraternização
  • bom pra levar grupos
  • bom pra ir com grupos
  • bom pra grupos
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  • Ashwin K.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Ashwin KumarAbril 22, 2017
    Perhaps the best night club I've been to in the Bay Area. (Its as good as omnia and better than Paris in Las Vegas). Try the test tube shots.
  • Melissa D.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Melissa DagdaganAbril 20, 2016
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    This place is definitely much nicer than it used to be. Still, be on the lookout for guys creeping up on you. *shudder*
  • Chris P.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Chris PenaNovembro 29, 2015
    Visuals are pretty cool, great sound system, good music, small but cool patio, downstairs had cool lights and sound also...a bit crowded, but cool
  • Anna
    AnnaDezembro 3, 2013
    Go Tuesday nights for People's Painting Party! FREE entrance. Find more details here!
  • The Taste Sheriffícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    The Taste SheriffSetembro 11, 2017
    Solid nightclub. Lines can be long so get yourself on the guest list.
  • Lauren T.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Lauren TownsendJunho 23, 2017
    Plenty of bars to get drinks, and I like the remodel. If you dont know about downstairs, get in the know.
  • G. Sax
    G. SaxNovembro 24, 2013
    Kind of a typical nightclub by modern standards and even by early 90s standards. Lots of pretty lights, pretty-ish people, long lines and expensive drinks. But I like that it's in an odd part of town.
  • Kevin C.
    Kevin CallaghanSetembro 11, 2012
    You can download a new app called Coaster to order and pay for drinks from your phone! Enter promo code 'COASTER' to get $5 towards your first order!
  • MetroWize
    MetroWizeMarço 8, 2012
    Open til 4 am Thursday thru Saturday, Temple takes the party deep into the night with signature dubstep parties, house and Top 40 dance events and much more! Leia mais
  • Derek P.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Derek POutubro 24, 2016
    If you like the popped collar douchemachine crowd in a venue that basically just plays the radio on loud speakers def go here. Extreme basic suburban nightclub in what's an otherwise interesting city
  • Yunah R.
    Yunah RhaJaneiro 27, 2013
    $8 well drinks. Be sure to pregame beforehand. And you need to leave your license, along with your cc, if you're doing open tab.
  • Anna L.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Anna LouMarço 15, 2017
    Esteve aqui mais de 10 vezes!
    Definitely the best interior looking SF club. Drinks are $14-$16
  • Mohammad A.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Mohammad Asif ZubairAgosto 15, 2015
    I was at this place today, had an splendid time. Tip: Don't wear thick clothes, you will be sweating. #placeistoohot
  • Julio E.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Julio EscobozaAgosto 11, 2017
    The music it's good, the drinks are great but it was a small place and it was a bad smell
  • Vital P.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Vital PromoDezembro 15, 2014
    Esteve aqui mais de 25 vezes!
    Kiernan Donleavy and Kim Robertson- fliers at Sunset Arcade! 12/15
  • John H.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    John HaberlandMarço 9, 2014
    I was there as part of company-sponsored party. The sales director/manager Dave was easy with which to work.
  • Sasha P.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Sasha PondelNovembro 1, 2013
    Don't waste your time or money here. This place is a shithole! Have fun trying to get the special stamp to buy drinks. God forbid you try and get your drink on at a club
  • Dan D.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Dan DupreeDezembro 14, 2015
    Remodel looks good. Lots of bridge and tunnel crowd.
  • Sonia W.
    Sonia WymiJulho 22, 2012
    Friday night gets pretty crowded downstairs...wouldn't recommend the downstairs a lot of BO and no air circulation. Top looks like a Vegas club.
  • Vishwa S.
    Vishwa SrikaanthSetembro 8, 2013
    Huge place !! Drinks are good and expensive !! Make sure you register in the guest list so that you need not pay the cover
  • Kerry S.
    Kerry SnyderFevereiro 22, 2015
    Stay upstairs. You've heard all that shit in the basement before.
  • Thomas B.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Thomas BeckerMaio 23, 2015
    Awesome club
  • Eric S.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Eric SabbanAbril 8, 2017
    Typical for your "fancy" club. Hip Hop downstairs. Go somewhere else.
  • Tyson Q.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Tyson QuickNovembro 2, 2013
    This place stole hundreds of dollars from people on Halloween night ($60 from me) tricking ppl into paying for a cover to then leave them confused and without a stamp required to buy drinks. Shit show
  • Kate B.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Kate BoykoNovembro 28, 2015
    The worst experience in my life!They lost my friend's jacket that she left in cloak room and tried to kick us out on the cold street before the cab arrives because "the nightclub was closing".
  • Daveícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    DaveSetembro 22, 2015
    There's a $30 cover hahahahaha
  • Max R.
    Max RostotskiJaneiro 23, 2013
    I'm in love with this place, it saved my day
  • _
    _Dezembro 22, 2014
    The lights are amazing here!
  • Hubert P.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Hubert PutraJunho 13, 2015
    newly renovated
  • Pavan K.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Pavan KulkarniMaio 9, 2016
    Ridiculously crowded and drinks price is ludicrous.
  • Brian T.
    Brian TrejoJaneiro 19, 2013
    Drinks are damn expensive! 8 bucks for mixed and shots!
  • Oliveira J.
    Oliveira JuniorNovembro 19, 2013
    Good time !!!!
  • Charlie P.
    Charlie PenaflorOutubro 11, 2011
    Reminds me of Rain Forest Cafe...without the foliage, and with more apes.
  • Chris P.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Chris PenaNovembro 29, 2015
    Music, sound, lights
  • D'Maize R.
    D'Maize RestaurantNovembro 17, 2013
    Party Time!!!
  • Dexter L.
    Dexter LauOutubro 31, 2010
    Did anyone find an iPhone Saturday night (10/30)? Reward if returned!
  • Randy M.
    Randy MeechOutubro 17, 2013
    Super San Francisco in here
  • Chela N.
    Chela NoldonAgosto 15, 2013
    jaswho is friggin awesome
  • Tania R.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Tania RahmanOutubro 18, 2015
    Terrible service, $40 entry major rip off! They'll still charge you full amount regardless of whether it's last service at the bar (2am) or not.
  • Chelsea P.
    Chelsea PearlJaneiro 16, 2010
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    also, do not wear flat soled shoes upstairs because the floor is extremely glossy and slippery when drinks are inevitably spilled.
  • Nina G.
    Nina GatesNovembro 19, 2011
    Esteve aqui mais de 50 vezes!
    Get off the phone and get on the dance floor!
  • glenda r.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    glenda racklinNovembro 4, 2012
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    Having a wonderful
  • Chelsea P.
    Chelsea PearlJaneiro 16, 2010
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    avoid the cavernous dungeon hip-hop room, unless you want to be preyed upon by creepers. upstairs house/trance room ftw.
  • Daniel A.
    Daniel AyeleNovembro 2, 2012
    Dubstep Thursdays!
  • Chicketha S.
    Chicketha SmeethJaneiro 21, 2012
    This IS the spot!
  • Guce
    GuceJulho 8, 2011
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    Thursdey RITUAL wa wa wa wa wa woooooommmmmMMMMMMPPPPPPPP
  • Lynne S.
    Lynne ScrogginsSetembro 28, 2011
    Ritual!!!! Every Thursday 10-3! Yeeeee!
  • Dincer H.
    Dincer HazarOutubro 8, 2010
    Nice place for private parties.
  • Sarah F.
    Sarah FederAgosto 25, 2013
    Oh god why.
  • Sharon
    SharonOutubro 24, 2009
    Delicious sliders and samosas for a private party!
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