Teddy Todorova

Teddy Todorova

Prishtina, KS
  • 2 Dicas
  • 58 Seguidores
  • 33 Seguindo
  • 3 Listas
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  • Sofia
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Teddy Todorova
1 locais atualizados
1 lugar incluindo Saray Kebap
Teddy Todorova
3 locais atualizados
3 lugares incluindo Независим театър (Independant Theatre), 2FIT Fitness Center, Департамент за езиково обучение на СУ - ИЧС
    "place is full of rats!!! and you won't be able to sleep as they run around your things...."
    Teddy TodorovaTeddy Todorova · Novembro 17, 2013
    · Nepal
    "Food is overrated, too salty and not as nearly as delicious as it looks or sounds on the menu. Gave it a try twice, wouldn't go again. Great location, missed opportunity."
    Teddy TodorovaTeddy Todorova · Setembro 18, 2013
    · Sófia, Bulgária