Christ Church Burial Ground is one of History.

1. Christ Church Burial Ground

400 Arch St, Filadélfia, PA
Cemitério · Center City East · 18 dicas e avaliações

HISTORYHISTORY: Established in 1719, this cemetery is the final resting place for Benjamin Franklin & 4 other signers of the Declaration of Independence: Joseph Hewes, Francis Hopkinson, George Ross & Benjamin Rush.

John Harvard Statue is one of History.

2. John Harvard Statue

Harvard Yard, Cambridge, MA
Escultura ao Ar Livre · Mid-Cambridge · 35 dicas e avaliações

HISTORYHISTORY: This monument, created in honor of the university's first benefactor, John Harvard, is a frequent target of pranks, hacks, and humorous decorations from Harvard students.

Nassau Hall is one of History.

3. Nassau Hall

79 Nassau St. (79 Nassau St.), Princeton, NJ
Prédio Administrativo da Faculdade · 4 dicas e avaliações

HISTORYHISTORY: You're standing in history. Nassau Hall was the site where the Continental Congress first learned the British had signed a peace treaty granting independence to the former colonies in 1783.

Harvard University is one of History.

4. Harvard University

1350 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA
Universidade · Mid-Cambridge · 146 dicas e avaliações

HISTORYHISTORY: Did you know Harvard University was named after John Harvard of Charlestown, who upon his death in 1638 left his library and half his estate to the institution?

First Bank of the United States is one of History.

5. First Bank of the United States

116 S 3rd St, Filadélfia, PA
Local Histórico e Tombado · Center City East · 4 dicas e avaliações

HISTORYHISTORY: This was the home of the First Bank of the United States from the time of the building‚'s completion, in 1797, until 1811.

Betsy Ross House is one of History.

6. Betsy Ross House

239 Arch St (btwn Bread St & 3rd St), Filadélfia, PA
Local Histórico e Tombado · Center City East · 51 dicas e avaliações

HISTORYHISTORY: Betsy Ross, credited with sewing the first American flag, is believed to have worked and resided in this house, built around 1740, from 1773 to 1885.

Old City Hall is one of History.

7. Old City Hall

501 Chestnut St (at 5th St), Filadélfia, PA
Museu de História · Center City East · 11 dicas e avaliações

HISTORYHISTORY: The U.S. Supreme Court met here from 1791, when the building was finished, to 1800, when America’s capital moved from Philadelphia to Washington.

Congress Hall is one of History.

8. Congress Hall

Chestnut St (at 6th St), Filadélfia, PA
Local Histórico e Tombado · Center City East · 13 dicas e avaliações

HISTORYHISTORY: Built in 1789 as the Philadelphia County Courthouse, this was where the U.S. Congress met from 1790 to 1800, when Philadelphia was America’s capital. In 1791, the Bill of Rights was ratified here.

Independence National Historical Park is one of History.

9. Independence National Historical Park

143 S 3rd St (btwn Race & Walnut St), Filadélfia, PA
Parque Nacional · Center City East · 53 dicas e avaliações

HISTORYHISTORY: This is home to a number of sites and attractions associated with early American history, including Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell.

Old Corner Bookstore is one of History.

10. Old Corner Bookstore

3 School St (at Washington St), Boston, MA
Local Histórico e Tombado · Downtown Boston · 10 dicas e avaliações

HISTORYHISTORY: This historic structure, erected in the early 1700s, housed an influential publishing business and bookstore in the 1800s.

Boston Massacre Monument is one of History.

11. Boston Massacre Monument

State St. (at Congress St.), Boston, MA
Monumento · Downtown Boston · 24 dicas e avaliações

HISTORYHISTORY: A circle of stones marks the site where on the evening of March 5, 1770, British soldiers fired on a mob of American colonists, killing five of them.

William Shakespeare Statue is one of History.

12. William Shakespeare Statue

65th St Transverse Rd, Nova Iorque, NY
Escultura ao Ar Livre · Central Park · 6 dicas e avaliações

HISTORYHISTORY: Unveiled in 1872, this statue by John Quincy Adams Ward pays tribute to one of the world's most famous playwrights, who lived from 1564 to 1616.

Museu Memorial do Holocausto dos Estados Unidos is one of History.

13. Museu Memorial do Holocausto dos Estados Unidos

(United States Holocaust Memorial Museum)
100 Raoul Wallenberg Pl SW, Washington, D.C.
Museu de História · Southwest Washington · 256 dicas e avaliações

HISTORYHISTORY: Opened in 1993, this museum is devoted to the history of the Holocaust, the state-sponsored murder of 6 million Jews in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945.

14. Columbus Statue

Center Dr (The Mall), Nova Iorque, NY
Escultura ao Ar Livre · Central Park · 6 dicas e avaliações

HISTORYHISTORY: Dedicated in 1894, this statue depicts the explorer whose trans-Atlantic trips, starting in 1492, helped lead to European colonization of the Americas.

Alexander Hamilton Statue is one of History.

15. Alexander Hamilton Statue

Central Park (at E 83rd St), Nova Iorque, NY
Escultura ao Ar Livre · Central Park · 6 dicas e avaliações

HISTORYHISTORY: This granite statue of Hamilton, a Founding Father and co-author of the Federalist Papers, was donated by his grandson in 1880.