Great places to visit around Auckland
Sky Tower is one of Great places to visit around Auckland.

1. Sky Tower

93 Federal St (at Victoria St. W), Auckland, Auckland
Monumento · Central Business District · 89 dicas e avaliações
Zoológico de Auclanda is one of Great places to visit around Auckland.

2. Zoológico de Auclanda

(Auckland Zoo)
99 Motions Rd, Auckland, Auckland
Zoológico · Western Springs · 27 dicas e avaliações
Kelly Tarlton's Sea Life Aquarium is one of Great places to visit around Auckland.

3. Kelly Tarlton's Sea Life Aquarium

23 Tamaki Drive, Ōrākei, Orakei, Auckland
Aquário · 36 dicas e avaliações
Waitomo Glowworm Caves is one of Great places to visit around Auckland.

4. Waitomo Glowworm Caves

39 Waitomo Caves Rd, Waitomo Caves, Waikato
Caverna · 40 dicas e avaliações
Rainbow's End is one of Great places to visit around Auckland.

5. Rainbow's End

2 Clist Crescent (Manukau Station Road), Auckland, Auckland
Parque de Diversão · South Auckland · 12 dicas e avaliações
Tree Adventures is one of Great places to visit around Auckland.

6. Tree Adventures

Restall Rd, Auckland, Auckland
Parque de Diversão · Nenhuma dica ou avaliação
Long Bay Regional Park is one of Great places to visit around Auckland.

7. Long Bay Regional Park

Beach Rd, Auckland, Auckland
Parque · Long Bay · 13 dicas e avaliações
Mount Victoria Reserve is one of Great places to visit around Auckland.

8. Mount Victoria Reserve

26 Kerr St, Devonport, Auckland
Vista Panorâmica · 16 dicas e avaliações
Auckland Harbour Bridge is one of Great places to visit around Auckland.

9. Auckland Harbour Bridge

State Hwy. 1, Auckland, Auckland
Ponte · Northcote · 22 dicas e avaliações
Devonport Ferry Terminal is one of Great places to visit around Auckland.

10. Devonport Ferry Terminal

King Edward Pde, Devonport, Auckland
Píer · 16 dicas e avaliações
Downtown Ferry Terminal is one of Great places to visit around Auckland.

11. Downtown Ferry Terminal

67 Quay St. (at Queen St.), Auckland, Auckland
Porto ou marina · Central Business District · 29 dicas e avaliações
Britomart Transport Centre is one of Great places to visit around Auckland.

12. Britomart Transport Centre

8-10 Queen St. (btw Tyler & Galway sts), Auckland, Auckland
Estação Ferroviária · Central Business District · 35 dicas e avaliações
Queen Street is one of Great places to visit around Auckland.

13. Queen Street

Queen St, Central Business District, Auckland
Estrada / Rua · 8 dicas e avaliações
Albert Park is one of Great places to visit around Auckland.

14. Albert Park

Princes St, Auckland, Auckland
Parque · Central Business District · 31 dicas e avaliações
Auckland Domain is one of Great places to visit around Auckland.

15. Auckland Domain

Domain Dr, Grafton, Auckland
Parque · 32 dicas e avaliações
Auckland Museum is one of Great places to visit around Auckland.

16. Auckland Museum

Auckland Domain, Auckland, Auckland
Museu de História · Grafton · 54 dicas e avaliações
Parnell Rose Gardens is one of Great places to visit around Auckland.

17. Parnell Rose Gardens

Gladstone Rd (Judges Bay Rd), Parnell, Auckland
Jardim · 13 dicas e avaliações
Western Springs Park is one of Great places to visit around Auckland.

18. Western Springs Park

731 Great North Rd, Auckland, Auckland
Parque · Western Springs · 17 dicas e avaliações
One Tree Hill Domain is one of Great places to visit around Auckland.

19. One Tree Hill Domain

670 Manukau Rd, One Tree Hill, Auckland
Parque · 19 dicas e avaliações
Waiheke Island is one of Great places to visit around Auckland.

20. Waiheke Island

Oceanview Rd, Auckland, North Island
Ilha · 28 dicas e avaliações
Auckland Botanic Gardens is one of Great places to visit around Auckland.

21. Auckland Botanic Gardens

102 Hill Rd, Manukau, Auckland
Jardim Botânico · 20 dicas e avaliações
Cornwall Park is one of Great places to visit around Auckland.

22. Cornwall Park

Cornwall Park, Epsom, Auckland
Parque · 26 dicas e avaliações
Eden Park is one of Great places to visit around Auckland.

23. Eden Park

Reimers Ave, Kingsland, Auckland
Estádio · 26 dicas e avaliações
Onepoto Domain is one of Great places to visit around Auckland.

24. Onepoto Domain

Exmouth Rd (Onewa Rd), Auckland, Auckland
Parque · Northcote · 6 dicas e avaliações
Browns Bay Beach is one of Great places to visit around Auckland.

25. Browns Bay Beach

Beachfront Ln., Browns Bay, Auckland
Praia · 15 dicas e avaliações
Albany Mega Centre is one of Great places to visit around Auckland.

26. Albany Mega Centre

140 Don Mckinnon Dr., Albany, Auckland
Shopping Center · 2 dicas e avaliações
Stardome Observatory‎ & Planetarium is one of Great places to visit around Auckland.

27. Stardome Observatory‎ & Planetarium

670 Manukau Rd., Royal Oak, Auckland
Planetário · 10 dicas e avaliações
Woodhill Bikepark is one of Great places to visit around Auckland.

28. Woodhill Bikepark

Restall Road, Auckland
Parque · 5 dicas e avaliações
Mighty Ape is one of Great places to visit around Auckland.

29. Mighty Ape

1 Rothwell Ave., Albany, Auckland
Loja de Artigos Diversos · Millwater · 2 dicas e avaliações
Browns Bay Fisheries is one of Great places to visit around Auckland.

30. Browns Bay Fisheries

1/94 Clyde Rd. (Bayview Rd.), Browns Bay, Auckland
Restaurante de Peixe Frito e Batata Frita · 8 dicas e avaliações
Takapuna is one of Great places to visit around Auckland.

31. Takapuna

Takapuna, Auckland
Bairro · 3 dicas e avaliações