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Secret Location

Secret Location

Restaurante, Loja de Roupas e Bar de Coquetéis$$$$
Gastown, Vancouver
  • Dicas
    Ranza R.
    "The restaurant side opens in the morning for coffee (café) etc."(2 dicas)
Ícone de Dicas e Avaliações17 Dicas e avaliações
  • café
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  • Popular
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  • Eater
    EaterJaneiro 8, 2014
    Some of the city's most adventurous modernist-style cuisine in a glossy white space. From edible clay to melt-in-the-mouth aerated fois gras foam, each mouthful is a playful delight. [Eater 38 Member]
  • Paige H.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Paige HunterJulho 28, 2015
    Very unique dishes and professional staff. The interior design of the restaurant makes the space that much more special.
  • Jason B.
    Jason BrackmanJunho 30, 2012
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    This shop has a lot of unique items - but the the thing for me is the architectural design. From the unique foyer to the origami drywall in the shop to the ceiling in the coffee bar.
  • Secret Locationícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Secret LocationAbril 11, 2013
    Join us during Shop Hop From 5-9pm on April 18th for 25% off and enter to win $250 Gift Certificate with every purchase! (Also get a FREE Facehunter Book with the purchase of any sunglasses!)
  • Arthur S.
    Arthur SacramentoAgosto 16, 2012
    Great menu, looks pricier than it actually is. Worth going! Loungier atmosphere late evening. Closes around midnight .
  • Stephanie H.
    Stephanie HJunho 28, 2012
    Great place for a party. Only place in western Canada to have a cimbali machine so you know the coffee has to be good..!
  • CY L.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    CY LeeJaneiro 8, 2016
    Nice interior, good food, awesome staffs.
  • Secret Locationícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Secret LocationAbril 26, 2013
    **Please note, on Tuesday April 30th we will be opening at 1130am for lunch service. Thank you!**
  • Sarah S.
    Sarah SinclairJaneiro 2, 2013
    Incredible food, ambiance, and service. There is a definite heating problem though.
  • Ranza R.
    Ranza RecordingJulho 28, 2012
    The restaurant side opens in the morning for coffee etc. And it's not as expensive as you might think
  • David O.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    David ObelczJulho 6, 2014
    Aerated foie gras - you must eat this
  • AIDA King .
    Their store closes by 7pm (on the weekend).
  • Aki M.
    Aki MarisMaio 31, 2014
    Amazing 5 course meal
  • Vanessa P.
    Vanessa PSetembro 27, 2014
    The dessert feature😍
  • David R.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    David ReeMaio 24, 2013
    Try it you will love it. Cheers
  • Secret Locationícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Secret LocationMaio 6, 2013
    Join us for Eat! Vancouver May 24-26th Leia mais
  • Okhshan S.
    Okhshan SarkariSetembro 2, 2012
    Persian Location
Fotos146 Fotos

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