Scott Kemp

Scott Kemp


Beaverton, OR
  • 8 Dicas
  • 28 Seguidores
  • 65 Seguindo
  • 2 Listas

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As principais cidades de Scott
South Lake Tahoe
1 Dica
1 Dica
3 Dicas
2 Dicas
Scott Kemp
2 locais atualizados
2 lugares incluindo Bethany Elementary, Cornelius Pass Roadhouse & Imbrie Hall
Scott Kemp
9 locais atualizados
9 lugares incluindo Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Organic Bronze Bar, Oba Restaurante, The Wendy Williams Show
\nListas de ScottListas que Scott criouListas seguidas por Scott
Dicas recentes de Scott
"Note to self - if you have hyper-hydrosis and permanent body odor issues when the temp is over 68 degrees do NOT sit in the balcony. Lol. Wouldn't that be hilarious if I really had permanent BO? Lol"
Scott KempScott Kemp · Junho 16, 2013
Sala de Concerto
· Portland, Estados Unidos
"Order the build your own pizza and burger and order every topping! So so good!"
Scott KempScott Kemp · Maio 31, 2013
· Naples, Estados Unidos
"The crossing guard is sooooo nice. She's been there 20 years, remembers everyone, and if you bring her tic-tabs cuz she gives them out on tic-tax Tuesday she'll love you forever. :-)"
Scott KempScott Kemp · Setembro 4, 2012
Ensino Primário
· Estados Unidos
"Great outdoor patio, w/ pong pong, fireplaces, picnic tables. Inside is very industrial w/ concrete everywhere & shabby chic 60's & 70's retro furniture. Great food @ happy hour cost, awful service!"
Scott KempScott Kemp · Setembro 2, 2012
· Portland, Estados Unidos
"Curious what your business is worth? Call is for a free business analysis & valuation:"
Scott KempScott Kemp · Agosto 14, 2012
· Beaverton, Estados Unidos
"We have helped many families find a place for their mom or dad to live in portland area senior housing that is appropriate for them based on their financial, cognitive, physical, and social needs."
Scott KempScott Kemp · Agosto 14, 2012
· Beaverton, Estados Unidos