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Red Dot Design Museum Singapore

Red Dot Design Museum Singapore

Museu e Galeria de Arte
Financial District, Singapura
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    "Exhibition (exposições)"(4 dicas)
    Red Dot Design Museum Singapore
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  • THE Z WORLD Z.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    THE Z WORLD ZAHRANDezembro 2, 2015
    If your in advertising or in a design job you will like this place. If not it will not be that interesting. As they have a lot of concept boards of released artwork which have won awards.
    Voto a favor Jan 13
  • Vally A.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Vally AzarAbril 13, 2016
    This place has some excellent design. But most wasn't nearly excellent enough to be so praised, and a lot was more art than design. Still, a great place to geek out for the afternoon.
  • Gary H.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Gary HorFevereiro 8, 2016
    The exterior of the museum is beautiful and makes for a cool backdrop for your photos. Don't forget to visit the museum gift shop for some souvenirs and cool knick-knacks.
  • Louis Vuitton
    Louis VuittonOutubro 4, 2011
    The largest contemporary design museum in Asia. Be sure to pick up a Design Journey and check out the routes proposed of the area to see Singapore through the eyes of a designer.
  • Nicholas C.
    Nicholas ChiaNovembro 12, 2016
    Esteve aqui mais de 25 vezes!
    Every first week Friday of the month there's a flea market in the museum. Worth visiting craft, drinks n food.
  • Elise ❥.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Elise ❥Dezembro 17, 2015
    Very cool museum where you can see practical products with great designs.
  • Toria F.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Toria FoxFevereiro 18, 2019
    Surprisingly good and the exhibition book they give you is alone probably worth the price of the ticket!
  • Ping M.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Ping MantanaJaneiro 5, 2017
    Don't forget to buy something from there, you are holding the best design stuff in the world.
  • Red Dot Design Museum Singapore
    Red Dot Design Museum Singapore is not open during private events. Please check the event listing on the website:
  • Pavel H.
    Pavel HackerJulho 8, 2014
    The only interesting part is the interactive design section where you can play showreels and read showcases of witty inventions. But why would you do this in a museum? Disappointment.
  • Red Dot Design Museum Singapore
    Red Dot Design Museum will be closed for upgrading from 2 - 8 April 2018. Plan your visit at
  • Red Dot Design Museum Singapore
    Last day for all exhibitions will be on 31 Mar 2017. Museum will be closed for building refurbishment from 01 Apr 2017.
  • HaeAn S.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    HaeAn SungNovembro 10, 2017
    Design museum and also a shop, cafe and bar. Love it
  • CASARÔMES & Thés BIO 茶 c.
    PARTNER SHIP Dégustation de thé: inscrivez vous à la Newletter: 10% de produits gratuits! Friends registered to Newletter: 10% free products! Amigos registrado Newsletter: 10% de los productos gratis! Leia mais
  • Young Hoon O.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Young Hoon OHFevereiro 21, 2015
    제대로 보려면 시간이 상당히 오래걸립니다. 학생은 신분증 없이도 할인 입장 가능.
  • flyflyaway ..
    flyflyaway ...Março 7, 2017
    Came all the way and it's closed for special event. Better luck next time!
  • Carrie L.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Carrie LimNovembro 6, 2017
    Picture of the museum at its new location!
  • Asa W.
    Asa WAgosto 16, 2014
    Visiting this place, makes you want to design something good for life.
  • Carrie L.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Carrie LimNovembro 6, 2017
    Museum at the new site at 11 Marina Boulevard
  • Mindyícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    MindyAbril 27, 2014
    A great inspirational place for designers and creatives.
  • Dellia L.
    Dellia LimSetembro 7, 2012
    Check out the MAAD flea every first Friday of the month. Pretty cool shite!
  • Mighty T.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Mighty TravelsOutubro 19, 2013
    It's all German industrial design. It's a bit boring. SGD 8 in entrance fees...
  • Asha J.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Asha JAbril 13, 2016
    They should call it "Red Dot most Art some Design Museum"
  • Mandy G.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Mandy GovenderOutubro 10, 2015
    Great designs...nice food too
  • Dalz D.
    Dalz DalzenoNovembro 2, 2014
    Worth to spend a couple hour here.
  • KeepFlowerWeird T.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    KeepFlowerWeird TaiMaio 28, 2015
    Must visiting place in Singapore
  • Kristin M. Oícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Kristin M. OSetembro 5, 2013
    Esteve aqui mais de 5 vezes!
    One of my favourite places this side of earth.
  • Zee &.
    Zee "Online"Setembro 24, 2013
    Awesome, must visit.
  • Tianni W.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Tianni WangMarço 21, 2015
    hopscotch for great cocktails
  • ♥♡♥Ririe♥♡♥
    One of the must visit museum...
  • SC L.
    SC LimOutubro 12, 2012
    Free entry during MAAD - 5pm to midnight
  • Eugene R.
    Eugene RudyyMaio 28, 2015
    Restroom is a disaster for design museum.
  • Nana B.
    Nana BgyJulho 30, 2014
    Ohhh my it closed on Wednesday urghhhh takin pic juz outside
  • june j.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    june junieMarço 2, 2015
    a good one.
  • 吉村 沙.
    吉村 沙織Maio 14, 2012
  • Carrie L.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Carrie LimAgosto 24, 2014
  • zArchitect V.
    zArchitect VDezembro 13, 2012
    NEVER THINK TWICE, about going there TWICE. live there only if you can. it is DESIGN HEVAN.
  • olga l.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    olga levinaMaio 4, 2014
    Надо сказать, что я ожидала большего. Как можно было сделать такую скучную экспозицию и такой скучный магазин при музее :-/
  • Rogelio T.
    Rogelio ToledoFevereiro 16, 2019
    Definitely not worth it, better buy a T3 Magazine
  • Bogganícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    BogganJaneiro 28, 2014
    Полный отстой. 8 долларов за просмотр немецких кофеварки, коляски и набора кухонной утвари. Не ходите сюда.
  • Dmitry P.
    Dmitry PoznyakJaneiro 19, 2014
    Nothing to look at, complete fraud
  • fenny
    fennyFevereiro 8, 2010
    try a new apps
Fotos748 Fotos

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