R Baker

R Baker

RBaker (Electrical) Ltd is a transformermanufacturer based in Liverpool, supplying power transformers, custom built control panel and motor rewinds services.

Liverpool, United Kingdom
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    "With real estate prices so high, most coffee shops don't even have space to sit. Here's a great, old school bookstore with a tiny cafe and ample seating. Great to meet up or do a little work."
    R BakerR Baker · Agosto 9, 2016
    · Nova Iorque, Estados Unidos
    "It was the best experience ever! Very professional and the selection of dresses are very exceptional!"
    R BakerR Baker · Agosto 6, 2016
    · Nova Iorque, Estados Unidos
    "Although Central park north is smelling bad with dog pees, southern part of this park is amazing surrounded with all ranges of green and you will be able to watch skycrapers, biking, skiing, running"
    R BakerR Baker · Agosto 1, 2016
    Casa de Shows
    · Chicago, Estados Unidos