Saint Petersburg by Locals
Клуб-музей «Котельная Камчатка» is one of Saint Petersburg by Locals.

1. Клуб-музей «Котельная Камчатка»

ул. Блохина, 15, São Petersburgo, Санкт-Петербург
Clube de Rock · Округ Введенский · 53 dicas e avaliações

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Tip #1: visiting during concert is strongly preferable. Tip #2: Kino is really great Russian band with touching lyrics. Leia mais.

Магазин-салон «OFF» is one of Saint Petersburg by Locals.

2. Магазин-салон «OFF»

Ткачи (наб. Обводного канала, 60), São Petersburgo, Санкт-Петербург
Brechó e Loja Vintage · Округ Волковское · 26 dicas e avaliações

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Sizes are bigger than in modern world, e.g. UK 12-16. Leia mais.

Все свободны is one of Saint Petersburg by Locals.

3. Все свободны

ул. Некрасова, 23, São Petersburgo, Санкт-Петербург
Livraria · Литейный округ · 43 dicas e avaliações

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: A bookstore of intellectual literature for adults! Leia mais.

Музей Центрального училища технического рисования барона А. Л. Штиглица is one of Saint Petersburg by Locals.

4. Музей Центрального училища технического рисования барона А. Л. Штиглица

Соляной пер., 15, Санкт-Петербург, São Petersburgo, Санкт-Петербург
Museu de História · Литейный округ · 13 dicas e avaliações

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Check out a collection of Russian stoves of patterned tiles or 106 costumed dolls in one hall from different provinces of the country Leia mais.

Coffeers (Coffee Go) is one of Saint Petersburg by Locals.

5. Coffeers (Coffee Go)

Сенная пл., 4/1 (ул. Ефимова, 1/4), São Petersburgo, Санкт-Петербург
Cafeteria · Сенной округ · 138 dicas e avaliações

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Try ginger, masala, or cardamom add-on. In a pleasant addition there are small gingerbread cookies and muesli. Leia mais.

Нос Майора Ковалева is one of Saint Petersburg by Locals.

6. Нос Майора Ковалева

Вознесенский просп., 11 (просп. Римского-Корсакова), São Petersburgo, Санкт-Петербург
Monumento · Адмиралтейский округ · 7 dicas e avaliações

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: This monument was once stolen and missed for nearly a year. Later on it was accidentally found at the stairs of a neighboring house. Leia mais.

O'Hooligans is one of Saint Petersburg by Locals.

7. O'Hooligans

Большая Конюшенная ул., 14, São Petersburgo, Санкт-Петербург
Pub Irlandês · Исторический центр · 659 dicas e avaliações

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: If you are in a mood for good choice of beers, easy atmosphere and want to chat a lot or watch sports. Leia mais.

Terminal is one of Saint Petersburg by Locals.

8. Terminal

ул. Рубинштейна, 13А, São Petersburgo, Санкт-Петербург
Uisqueria · Владимирский округ · 217 dicas e avaliações

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Serve in-house made fresh food: big portions of classic salads and delicious(!) sandwiches, have a wide choice of bar liquor and accept cards. Leia mais.

Moscow Victory Park is one of Saint Petersburg by Locals.

9. Moscow Victory Park

(Московский парк Победы)
Московский просп., 188 (просп. Юрия Гагарина), São Petersburgo, Санкт-Петербург
Parque · Округ Московская застава · 230 dicas e avaliações

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: There’s a boat station, tennis court, small amusement park, kids playgrounds, well organized paths, plenty of tall trees and tons of snow in the wintertime. Leia mais.

Moscow Square is one of Saint Petersburg by Locals.

10. Moscow Square

(Московская площадь)
Московский просп., São Petersburgo, Санкт-Петербург
Praça · Округ Звёздное · 168 dicas e avaliações

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Despite the sculptor’s idea to express strong will and single-mindedness of the leader, the masses call Lenin here “a dancer of good cheer”. Leia mais.

Управление ФСБ по СПб и ЛО is one of Saint Petersburg by Locals.

11. Управление ФСБ по СПб и ЛО

Литейный просп., 4, São Petersburgo, Санкт-Петербург
Prédio do Governo · Литейный округ · 17 dicas e avaliações

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Ex-KGB building – The Big House Leia mais.

Sever is one of Saint Petersburg by Locals.

12. Sever

Невский просп., 44, São Petersburgo, Санкт-Петербург
Loja de Sobremesa · Дворцовый округ · 311 dicas e avaliações

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Get some eclairs with different fillings and Kartoshka (potato) pastry, resembling a rum ball. Leia mais.

Kvartirka Soviet Café is one of Saint Petersburg by Locals.

13. Kvartirka Soviet Café

Невский просп., 51, São Petersburgo, Санкт-Петербург
Restaurante Russo · Владимирский округ · 159 dicas e avaliações

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: The interior design is a stylized Soviet apartment – practically the exact one lots of USSR kids grew up in. Walls are decorated with carpets, vinyls in frames and photos of Vladimir Vysotsky. Leia mais.

Трамвай №16 is one of Saint Petersburg by Locals.

14. Трамвай №16

Карбюраторный завод — ст. м. «Нарвская», São Petersburgo, Санкт-Петербург
Linha de Ônibus · Округ Семёновский · 3 dicas e avaliações

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: This route operates with 20-minute breaks. Many hidden urban views along the way! Leia mais.

Yusupov Garden is one of Saint Petersburg by Locals.

15. Yusupov Garden

(Юсуповский сад)
наб. реки Фонтанки, 117 (ул. Садовая), São Petersburgo, Санкт-Петербург
Jardim · Сенной округ · 161 dicas e avaliações

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: The garden was made accessible to the public only in the middle of the 19th century and since then became famous for the ice-skating championships held there – even the 1903 world cup. Leia mais.

Кузнечный рынок is one of Saint Petersburg by Locals.

16. Кузнечный рынок

Кузнечный пер., 3 (Ул. Достоевского), São Petersburgo, Санкт-Петербург
Feira Livre · Владимирский округ · 48 dicas e avaliações

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Some sellers speak English (Hi – Buy – Bye!) following the tourist demands – Kuznechny market attracts guided tour groups often lately. Leia mais.

Сад «Сен-Жермен» is one of Saint Petersburg by Locals.

17. Сад «Сен-Жермен»

Литейный просп., 46, São Petersburgo, Санкт-Петербург
Jardim · Литейный округ · 13 dicas e avaliações

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: The threefold arch with wrought gates hides the garden from pedestrians. The garden is closed, but it’s not private, so it’s not really hard to get inside: just wait for someone going in or out. Leia mais.

Cosmonaut is one of Saint Petersburg by Locals.

18. Cosmonaut

Бронницкая ул., 24 (Дойников пер.), São Petersburgo, Санкт-Петербург
Sala de Concerto · Округ Семёновский · 261 dicas e avaliações

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Cosmonaut concert hall is the best place for gigs in the city. The sound is close to perfect. Leia mais.

Finlyandsky Railway Station (FVS) is one of Saint Petersburg by Locals.

19. Finlyandsky Railway Station (FVS)

(Финляндский вокзал)
пл. Ленина, 6 (ул. Комсомола), São Petersburgo, Санкт-Петербург
Estação Ferroviária · Финляндский округ · 285 dicas e avaliações

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: A dramatic monument of Soviet architecture with huge windows and magnifical iron bas-reliefs with scenes from the life of common people and the revolution. Leia mais.

The General Staff is one of Saint Petersburg by Locals.

20. The General Staff

(Главный штаб)
Дворцовая пл., 6-8 (Большая Морская ул.), São Petersburgo, Санкт-Петербург
Museu de Arte · Исторический центр · 238 dicas e avaliações

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Curators of the contemporary art department collect and present art works of such artists as Annie Leibovitz, Chuck Close, Anish Kapoor, the Chapman brothers and many others. Leia mais.

Amarcord is one of Saint Petersburg by Locals.

21. Amarcord

ул. Жуковского, 49, São Petersburgo, Санкт-Петербург
Restaurante Italiano · Литейный округ · 504 dicas e avaliações

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: The menu is also quite short, but full of Italian specialties. Every day you could find something new on the special desk with offers or just ask Andrea (the owner), what he could suggest for today. Leia mais.

Mariinsky Theatre Concert Hall is one of Saint Petersburg by Locals.

22. Mariinsky Theatre Concert Hall

(Концертный зал Мариинского театра)
ул. Декабристов, 37, São Petersburgo, Санкт-Петербург
Sala de Concerto · Округ Коломна · 215 dicas e avaliações

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: € 40 or something even if the Maestro (Valery Gergiev, the head of the Theatre) conducts his orchestra himself portraying the best performance of Richard Wagner music in the world. Leia mais.

Tre Bicchieri is one of Saint Petersburg by Locals.

23. Tre Bicchieri

просп. Римского-Корсакова, 33, São Petersburgo, Санкт-Петербург
Enoteca · Адмиралтейский округ · 23 dicas e avaliações

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: On the wall in the restaurant you can find a € 200 banknote signed by Juan Carlos I of Spain. For sure it’s better to make a reservation in advance. Leia mais.

Щелкунчик is one of Saint Petersburg by Locals.

24. Щелкунчик

ул. Союза Печатников, 8, São Petersburgo, Санкт-Петербург
Café · Округ Коломна · 59 dicas e avaliações

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Be in time for early bird discount – 10 to 12 basic coffee sold with 50% discount (40 rubles for regular coffee with milk). Call it Berlin prices Leia mais.

Музей А. В. Суворова is one of Saint Petersburg by Locals.

25. Музей А. В. Суворова

Кирочная ул., 43, São Petersburgo, Санкт-Петербург
Museu de História · Округ Смольнинское · 26 dicas e avaliações

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Now it’s really worth seeing if you are traveling with kids, especially if they are boys! Some Russian arms and weapons could be even played with during a special game for kids, held occasionally. Leia mais.

Открытый мир / The Open World is one of Saint Petersburg by Locals.

26. Открытый мир / The Open World

Невский просп., 32, São Petersburgo, Санкт-Петербург
Loja de Instrumento Musical · Дворцовый округ · 2 dicas e avaliações

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Great place to buy some nice presents for friends choosing some Russian composer’s masterpieces or just buying a souvenir for yourself – anything recorded by Mariinsky label. Leia mais.

Do Immigration is one of Saint Petersburg by Locals.

27. Do Immigration

Флигель (ул. Восстания, 24), São Petersburgo, Санкт-Петербург
Enoteca · Литейный округ · 243 dicas e avaliações

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: All glasses cost RUB 150, bottles are RUB 900. You can accompany your wine with different cheeses, prosciutto, panini with anchovies and olives or crostini with cheese, pesto and basil. Leia mais.

The Lobby Bar is one of Saint Petersburg by Locals.

28. The Lobby Bar

Гранд Отель Европа (Михайловская ул., 1/7), São Petersburgo, Санкт-Петербург
Bar de Hotel · Дворцовый округ · 44 dicas e avaliações

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: This stylish bar is a great place to surprise someone with the exclusive interior, perfectly made cocktails, warm atmosphere, charming music that hardly changed during the last century Leia mais.

Памятник жертвам политических репрессий is one of Saint Petersburg by Locals.

29. Памятник жертвам политических репрессий

Воскресенская наб., São Petersburgo, Санкт-Петербург
Monumento · Округ Смольнинское · 10 dicas e avaliações

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Depending on your point of view you can see more human part of face or the more dead side. The most mind bending monument in the city. Leia mais.

Чайный магазин is one of Saint Petersburg by Locals.

30. Чайный магазин

Караванная ул., 11/64 (Невский пр.), São Petersburgo, Санкт-Петербург
Loja de Artigos Diversos · Дворцовый округ · 15 dicas e avaliações

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: People working here are really friendly and try to promote Chinese tea culture not as exclusive, but available for everybody. Leia mais.

Vincent is one of Saint Petersburg by Locals.

31. Vincent

Театральная пл., 16/11, São Petersburgo, Санкт-Петербург
Enoteca · Адмиралтейский округ · 117 dicas e avaliações

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Have dinner or a glass of wine before going to Mariinsky theatre! Leia mais.

Fiddler's Green SPB.L.B is one of Saint Petersburg by Locals.

32. Fiddler's Green SPB.L.B

ул. Рубинштейна, 5, São Petersburgo, Санкт-Петербург
Pub · Владимирский округ · 242 dicas e avaliações

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Bartenders are always ready to give some advice on choosing a right spirit Leia mais.

Rosphoto is one of Saint Petersburg by Locals.

33. Rosphoto

Большая Морская ул., 35, São Petersburgo, Санкт-Петербург
Galeria de Arte · Адмиралтейский округ · 97 dicas e avaliações

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: The exhibitions of foreign photographers are on the 2nd and 3rd floors of the building. To get to the exhibitions of Russian photographers you need to go to the right inner yard of the building #37. Leia mais.

БЮРО is one of Saint Petersburg by Locals.

34. БЮРО

ул. Жуковского, 29, São Petersburgo, Санкт-Петербург
Hamburgueria · Литейный округ · 596 dicas e avaliações

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Everything in Buro café is done with love and care. The menu is simple, but everything is very tasty. Leia mais.

Apteka is one of Saint Petersburg by Locals.

35. Apteka

Невский просп., 20 (Б. Конюшенная ул.), São Petersburgo, Санкт-Петербург
Restaurante Indiano · Исторический центр · 182 dicas e avaliações

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Go for an ‘Endorphine’. Or take a set of shots – they are served in test-tubes just like those you’ve seen in your chemistry classes. No wines. No beers. Leia mais.

Big Liver Place is one of Saint Petersburg by Locals.

36. Big Liver Place

Шведский пер., 2 (ул. Малая Конюшенная), São Petersburgo, Санкт-Петербург
Bar de Coquetéis · Исторический центр · 150 dicas e avaliações

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: This bar is like no other, it is a place to experience a cocktail in its classic sense. Leia mais.

Fixed Lab is one of Saint Petersburg by Locals.

37. Fixed Lab

Арт-кластер «Архитектор» (Миллионная ул., 10), São Petersburgo, Санкт-Петербург
Loja de Bicicletas · Исторический центр · 4 dicas e avaliações

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Fixed Lab is not only a bicycle store or a workshop, it’s a family and a sport team. Leia mais.

Нож справа, вилка слева is one of Saint Petersburg by Locals.

38. Нож справа, вилка слева

ул. Восстания, 44 (Кирочная ул.), São Petersburgo, Санкт-Петербург
Restaurante · Литейный округ · 81 dicas e avaliações

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Three course business lunch menu for about € 10 all weekdays from 12:00 till 16:00. Leia mais.

Prosto Vino is one of Saint Petersburg by Locals.

39. Prosto Vino

8-я Советская ул., 4, São Petersburgo, Санкт-Петербург
Enoteca · Округ Смольнинское · 197 dicas e avaliações

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Cozy space for those who love wine, soft cheese and Spanish jamon. Leia mais.

Sky Bar is one of Saint Petersburg by Locals.

40. Sky Bar

Отель «Азимут» (Лермонтовский просп., 43/1), São Petersburgo, Санкт-Петербург
Lounge · Округ Екатерингофский · 141 dicas e avaliações

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: tTe place has an ab-so-lu-te-ly great view over the old city centre! Leia mais.

Krasin Icebreaker is one of Saint Petersburg by Locals.

41. Krasin Icebreaker

(Ледокол «Красин»)
наб. Лейтенанта Шмидта, 12, São Petersburgo, Санкт-Петербург
Museu · Округ № 7 · 44 dicas e avaliações

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: An ice-breaker that is one of the symbols of the strength and heroic deeds of Russia! Leia mais.