The New York Musical Theatre Festival (NYMF)

The New York Musical Theatre Festival (NYMF)


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New York, NY
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Listas de The New York Musical Theatre Festival (NYMF) em Todas as cidades
  • New York
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As principais cidades de The New York Musical Theatre Festival (NYMF)
New York
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The New York Musical Theatre Festival (NYMF) ainda não seguiu ninguém.
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The New York Musical Theatre Festival (NYMF)
40 locais atualizados
40 lugares incluindo Outlaws @ McGinn/Cazale Theatre - NYMF 2011, The Brain That Wouldn't Die! In 3D!!! @ TBG - NYMF 2011, Ennio @ 47th Street Theatre - NYMF 2011, Kissless @ The Theatre at St. Clements - NYMF 2011
The New York Musical Theatre Festival (NYMF)
24 locais atualizados
24 lugares incluindo The NYMF Hub, NYMF 2012 @ The Theatre at St. Clements
    "NYMF's full-time Box Office and venue for FREE events; including panel discussions, concerts, talk-backs with the casts and creatives from our shows, networking events and more!"
    · Nova Iorque, Estados Unidos
    "The Food Emporium is a great place to get everything from fruit juice, to cookies to sandwiches. Check out their mini cupcakes with rainbow sprinkles! Every day is a good day for a cupcake! :D"
    · Nova Iorque, Estados Unidos
    "This is a perfect place for a night out with your co-workers, friends or family. You could be a bunch of musical theatre lovers, or R&B divas! This a favorite after work treat for us here at NYMF!"
    · Nova Iorque, Estados Unidos
    "Check out NYMF alumni show The Shaggs: Philosophy of the World! A show about a dad & the rock & roll vision he has for his 3 daughters. But when he becomes obsessed, the girls make plans of their own."
    · Nova Iorque, Estados Unidos